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Authors note: there is going to be a decant amount of POV switching enjoy.
Ella's POV

After I said yes to Luca he then offered to drive me home because it was quote on quote 'not safe'. So I finally caved and let him drive me home. Well Caleb drove and Luca and I just talked. After the ten minute drive the car came to a stop.

"Thanks for today" I told him because I was truly thankful. He didn't have to stop the fight I would inevitably get blamed for if it continued. And because he cleaned and bandaged my cut when I could've done it myself.

"Any time Ella" he replied with a smirk.

"Well bye" I said. And walked into the building and upstairs to my family's apartment.

As I walked in I heard my mom gasp because I had a bandaid on my face.

"What happened" she gasped.

"Marisa tried to start a fight with me and I didn't duck low enough so her ring snagged on my cheek."

I answered honestly because there was no lying to my mom she could detect it from a mile away and truthfully I could also tell when someone's lying even if I don't know them. It's like a super power.

After my interrogation life went on as usual. Now I'm just waiting for my brothers to get home so I can have it happen all over again. Oh joy. Yeah note my sarcasm.
Luca's POV

After I saw she went inside the building Caleb turned to me and just gave me a look. I then got out of the back of the car and slid into the passengers seat upfront and Giovanni went into the back row of seats. I had the seat that was also known as shot gun. In my case was true and much needed sometimes. Plus I was a better shot then Gio.

"Dude don't play with her like that" Caleb said

"Like what" I asked questingly

"Like you actually care since when do you care about a girl. Usually they're one night flings, maybe two and then you dump them." Giovanni said.

He's not wrong about that but Ella is different there's something about her that makes her different. Maybe it her sweetness that is also mixed with fierceness or maybe because I know she loyal. In my family's line of work you need to be able to tell if a person is loyal or not so you can avoid being crossed.

"I'm not... I actually really like her and I'm not using her, we're going to go at her pace. Plus she's different she didn't ask me out like all of the other girls do. I did." I confessed to my brother and Caleb.

Caleb has been my best friend since diapers so we know each other like that back of our hand. Plus he's like another brother to me. And I'm like a brother to him. He has six sisters and he's the eldest. Then Gio and I have known each other almost as long. He knows me just as well as Caleb does.

"Okay got it but I don't think she could handle the mafia life style she seams to sweet I'd hate to have her broken because you dragged her into this." They told me while being concerned about Ella.

"Gio,Caleb, I'm going to protect her no one will hurt her." I tell them

"Yeah, Luca initiation is coming up for you to take over and be head of the group, but if you two are serious and last the rest four months she'll have to be there and she won't like it." Gio reminded me while Caleb agreed with him.

"Yeah I know man but if she's still with me then i know she's worth it." I reply back
Ella's POV

When my brothers, Jacob and Lorenzo came home my twin brother Jacob gave me a hug.

"Jacob...can't breathe" I say tapping his shoulder.

"Sorry" he says.

Then after Lorenzo and him lectured me about how I could've been seriously hurt and everything they checked that I was ok and let me live what life I had. Today had been weird over all and I don't know what to make of it.

First off I had my first boyfriend in my whole 16 years of existence, secondly it's Luca Ricci one of the most popular kids in school, and two my dad is coming home for holiday break. Or so I'm told.

He does tend not to show up sometimes because of work but I hope this time will be different, I really do.

My birthday is Christmas Eve and I hope he'll be here.

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