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Ella's POV

Once we sat down I inched closer to Luca and rested my head on his shoulder. I think he picked up on my nerves because he picked up my hand and kissed it.

"They'll love you don't worry." He told me soothingly.

This calmed me down slightly. Since he told me that, I had a calm façade but on the inside I was a nervous wreck. Here goes nothing.

A woman about 40 walks over to our table. She beautiful and she reminds me of my mother. So sweet but she knows something you don't.

"Hello I'm Aurora, Luca's mother. It's wonderful to meet you. You are truly beautiful if I do say so myself." She said to me and I smiled sweetly

"Hi I'm Ella and thank your Mrs. Ricci but it's you, who is beautiful not me. And it is wonderful to meet you as well." I say modestly because she was so sweet.

"Dear call me Aurora and thank you, such a polite young lady. Now since we met you can drop the formalities I want to meet the real you if you don't mind." She replied

"Of course" I reply smoothly with a light laugh. Honestly my nerves have settled and my once calm façade has turned into my actual mood.

The rest of the night was spectacular. His mom was so sweet. His dad was was nice and welcoming, but not as sweet as his wife. Luca and I had the best homemade Italian cannolis for dessert. And I love cannolis.

We had just walked out of his family's restaurant and it had gotten really cold all of a sudden. About half way home Luca noticed I was cold when I shivered.

"Ella deny it all you want but I know you're cold...here" he said as he handed me his leather jacket . I gladly put it on and was relieved when then next gust of wind came because I wasn't cold. When we got to my apartment building we said goodbye.

"Bye Ella text me when you get in so I know you're ok"he said

"Ok bye" I said. We have never actually kissed so before I went in I stood on my tip toes and kissed him. He responded back almost instantly. I then heard strange noises like camera clicking. Something was off

I gave him a serious look, but he just gave me a confused one in return.

I pulled him inside my apartment building disregarding the original plan ,and just climbed up the stairs in silence as we made our way to my apartment.

"Ells what's the matter" he asked

"Ella what's going on what happened" he persisted.

"Something's off I-I know it is I head someone taking pictures and I know that we're the intended targets of the picture." I said

Luca then opened his arms for me and I gladly hugged him back.

"Shhh my sweet Ella. Do you remember what I said to you the day we met about this." He cooed into my ear. At this point I was nervous because I had a feeling something big was going to happen. But could I be over reacting.

I nod my head.

"You said you'd keep me safe no matter what" This subsided my fear slightly. But only slightly. He picks up my head like he always does forcing me to look at him.

"You'll be safe... I promise" I knew I could trust him to keep his promise but was I really safe. He then leaned down and kissed me. I kissed back and then said our goodbyes.

Unknown's POV ( dun dun duh)

DAMN! She noticed and the little rat told him. I don't know why the boss wants her so bad she's only trouble.

The only way we could possibly get her now is kidnapping or telling little ms. Innocent her man is a head of the mafia, that he's a murderer. But I wish we could just kill her since it would be so much easier, but boss wants her alive.

He might use her as leverage against them. Or he actually likes her and wants her to himself

Only he knows his intentions but if one of us gets captured and knows then they might talk. So he thinks it's better for us to know as little as possible. And what he wants is what he gets. He wants her.

Ella Marino watch out because you'll be ours. And what the boss wants is what the boss gets.

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