Chapter Four: A Bet Well Made

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Edited on 05/23/21

Your pov
"How.... are you... so....... strong?" Oikawa panted from the floor.

"Just natural talent." I shrugged my shoulders. "Oh. It's getting late. I think we should call it a day and head home."

"Let us stay over!" Oikawa shouted from the floor. "It's the weekend, and you totally whooped us! It's the least you could do!"

"You're the one that wanted to play against me." I rolled my eyes.

"Pleeeaaaaaseeee!" He clung to my leg.

"Fine! If everyone's parents say they can, then fine!" I told them.

"We're in high school. Who still asks their parents to do stuff?" He mocked. (Bitch, me)

"Then I guess you guys aren't staying over." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"We'll ask!" He scrambled up.

Everyone pulled out their phone and began to dial their parents number. Everyone minus Kyõtani. "Don't you want to stay over too?"

"Why would I want to be in the same room as him." He grumbled, motioning to Oikawa.

"Hm. You can meet my dog." I said, which peaked his interests.

"You have a dog?" He asked, curious.

"Yeah. Come over, and you can meet him." I smiled as he slowly nodded.

After a few minutes, everyone gave me their answer. And surprisingly, everyone could go. I didn't think everyone could, but I'm fine with that. "Alright, everyone! Let's head to your guys' house, get a spare of clothes, and go to my place!" I clapped once.

They shouted a 'yeah!' before grabbing their stuff.

Once everyone grabbed their stuff, we headed to their houses as a group.

We finally got everyone's stuff, and now we were heading to my house; though, it would have been easier if they just went home. "Welp! We're here!" I exclaimed outside of my house.

They awed at the size. 'I knew this would happen.' I sweatdropped. "Let's go inside!" I made my way into my home. "KODU! I'M HOME! AND I HAVE GUESTS!!" I proceeded to take my shoes off.

Once I took my shoes off, I entered the kitchen to find Mei cooking once again. "Heya, Mei." I gave her a side hug and watched her cook.

"Hi there, sweetie. I heard you had friends over. Should I make food for them as well?"

"If you don't mind. I'll help you after I go change."

"Don't worry, sweetie. Go hang out with your friends until dinner's ready." She shooed me away.

"Nope! I'll be back!" I waved as I left the kitchen.

I heard her chuckle as I left. Once I exited the kitchen, I found the groups of boys awkwardly standing by the door. "Oh, I forgot. You guys can sit in the livingroom until dinner's ready. I'm gonna help cook though."

"We can help, (Y/n)-chan!" Oikawa offered.

"It's okay! I can't have my guests doing chores!"

"Don't worry about it." Iwaizumi said. "It's the least we could do if you're cooking for us."

"And don't forget washing your plates after." I pointed out.

"Of course~! Let's help (Y/n)-chan cook!" Oikawa told the group of boys who listened, even Kyõtani.

"Oh." I didn't expect them all to want to help cook. "Let's get going then! I'm sure Mei would be happy to take a break!"

And so we entered the kitchen to help the beloved Mei help cook. Once we entered the kitchen, Mei grew flustered having so many people in the kitchen. "You can rest, Mei! We'll cook today!"

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