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the one boy i actually want to talk to and get to know can't even speak to me for five months. this universe is cruel.

 i spent the weekend with lillian and dakota, checking out cute little venues and discussing flower arrangements until they both felt comfortable with the foundational elements of the wedding

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i spent the weekend with lillian and dakota, checking out cute little venues and discussing flower arrangements until they both felt comfortable with the foundational elements of the wedding.

monday morning i'm definitely regretting not taking the time to rest and catch up on sleep but there's not much i can do about it. i'm glad i spent time with my friends after not seeing them for so long. i'll catch up on sleep soon. for now, i need coffee.

i wordlessly set mr. ward's cup of joe on his desk, too tired to even say good morning, before shuffling back to my office having already given vivian her's. she also seemed out of it, her usually beautifully done hair now laying flat and dull on her shoulders as if she simply showered and let it dry where it laid. i also noticed her face is bare and void of makeup all except a small amount of mascara on her naturally long lashes. i have to admit she looks less intimidating this way.

i drink my coffee alone at my desk, my eyes drooping lower and lower. shaking my head, i sit up straighter in my uncomfortable chair and clear my throat, "wake up, you're supposed to be working." i remind myself.

pulling out my laptop, i pull up my dropbox and begin placing all of the receipts and costs for the gala into the file. i brought all of the paper receipts home with me during the weekend just so i could get them in order and in categories for the accountants.

we don't start setting up for the gala until next week so, for now, i suppose most of the work is done. which makes me wonder what i will be doing until then. then i remember standing there in mr. ward's office as he boldly reminded me that i am his assistant and i very strongly recall him telling me he has a load of work for me to do for him which i have yet to see to be honest.

so, with that thought, i stand up and make my way to his office, knocking on the door.

"come in." i hear his usual monotonous tone. with a chipper smile, i waltz in, coffee in hand as i take a sip.

"good morning, sir." i say, earning a bored glance, "i have finished with almost everything i need to get done before we start setting up next week so i was just coming to ask you if there is anything i can do for you?"

he pauses, his head tilting to the side as he looks at me, leaning back in his chair. the sunlight from the windows give his olive skin a tanner hue and make his chocolate brown eyes look even warmer. he looks much too young to wear such an aged and stressed scowl.

"you finished everything on vivian's list?" his brows raise slightly and i can't tell whether to assume he's angry or impressed.

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