Chapter III

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Exactly by 3pm I was at the gate, waited for two mins and I small boy came out with a paper, it was the location and the time written. I collected it and rushed to my hotel to dress up as the celebration will start in two hours. I started thinking about the how to spend the few mins I'll be given, or how to extend the time.

By 5pm I was at the gate, it was a garden full of fresh flowers and decorated with many sculptures, stone walled and neatly grassed. From outside it looks amazing and when I entered, I was astonished, it was very cold and the scents were absolutely unique. With many birds, small domestic animals and crafted chairs and tables. With a pool at one side surrounded by long and short flowers, it isn't tiled also but stoned. Few mins after touring round the garden, they arrived and there appeared my angel looking so unique.

She appeared as an elegant lady, with her face so incredible, rashes free and ecstatically joyous. with her light make up, glamorous eye lashes and brows, tempting eyes, long pointed nose, delectable pinkish lips that are so stunning and splendor, her cheeks are looking so soft, a bit reddish and dimpled with her long chin that added to her long face.

She was walking so feline and regal, with her friends and look alike sister by her side, they walked down to a place demarcated with tall flowers and roses in between, with balloons all over and number 21 written at the entrance. It was my first glance at the place and then I know it’s the birthday spot. There were few guys and ladies sitting and the rest came along with her, a number that is nothing less than 30, all dressed in native wares and all the guys in white Kaftan. I was the only one in sky blue which made me feel a bit different but my optimism made me feel unique. I walked down to the place also and entered after her. It was amazing when she was given a standing ovation as the birthday lady.

What added to my joy was the absence of her best friend, at the moment I felt like replacing him already, I was looking odd thou, not known to anybody except her and also didn’t know any but her. She looks happy and as well with a spectacular appearance, sitting on her decorated chair looking just like a bride.

The party started and everyone was with a partner but us, I knew no one but her and her best friend was yet to show up, I prayed non-stop for him to be occupied somewhere so that at least I'll get a chance to shoot my shots.

It is time to cut the cake, her friend said. She looked so disappointed by his absence and lingered. Everyone was quite thinking about what will happened, I was from a far, sidelined and so tedious. I stood up and talked with a soft voice that quieten everyone. I said "in the absence of a best friend, why not with a strange friend?"

The place became quiet and all eyes were on me, she looks astonished and as well in mayhem, nothing less was expected from the public seeing such a stranger trying to become the closest. Nobody talk and everyone was staring at both of us. She couldn't say a word and I continued talking while walking.

I started, spare me my official introduction, lets join hands to celebrate this great lady, which her beauty surpass all that surrounded her, a lady of magnificent creature, which is shining like a crescent moon. A lady of pure soul who's smile melted the heart of a starrer, take a look at her face, isn't she looking so ravishing and spectacular? With such lushly eyes and alluring lips. A lady which lives a life as an emancipator, a redeemer and the liberator of caged hearts. By a simple stare, she takes hearts away, mend the hearts of men to her secret adorers. When she talks it’s like a whisper, calm the mind of the listeners and make them smile. Nothing more than praises is deserved by such lady for she is everything that deserve grace.

She took my heart by a simple glance and make it throb for over a year, she made me bewildered, lust and crave for meeting her, and here we are today to celebrate this dashing lady whose cuteness is exquisitely sultry. Her first smile was enthralling and today she is elegant in her dress. Permit me to take a stop for there is no word to describe her foxy looks.