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After taking my breakfast while still resting in my room thinking of where to go first, I dialed a number of a friend who gave me a name of some nice places to go. As a stranger, he was my Map and I was very happy because I was able to visit some new but awesome places.

I dressed up in my Kaftan, picked up my wallet and got to the street to get a cab, few mins later, I got it and headed to the place described to me. While on my way, I received the text containing her Whatsapp number and an Emoji that I couldn't interpret at the time because I'm bad when it comes to that.

I smiled seeing that and felt better, I wanted to log into my Whatsapp to chat her up instantly but stopped myself just to think of the best way to handle her. The driver dropped me and I entered the place which is so amazing and popularly known as Pizza palace.

The place is a welcoming environment, it's very cool as decorated by flowers that have 24hrs water source supplying the well spreaded grass carpet. It's like a garden at the entrance. There are many sculptures and paints that describe the historic culture of the state. I was amazed at how the seats were perfectly crafted from woods.

I had to put a sudden stop to stare at the artificially made water fall that looks so real with stones and flowers, few fishes and gravelly surrounded area. The scent emitted by the flowers was just a wow, making you fall in love with the place within seconds. I smiled, took a shot of the place and proceed inside.

I went in directly through the main entrance were I was welcomed by the waitress. I grabbed a seat and sat, she greeted and welcomed me with a tea that I chose as appetizer when she first asked just to keep me company before placing my order. She brought the Menu and stood few inches away waiting for my response.

The Menu contains all sorts of snacks, some of which I heard of only from stories and some seen in movies. The food and the desserts were also so great and peculiar with many forms of local drinks and many more. The Menu got me confused of what to choose because I was already craving for many things when the waitress interrupted by saying "sir, we can serve you the best meal and snacks in case you don't have anything in mind and she smiled". I looked at her and said, of course you can serve me and that's why I want to eat Portuguese fish right now. I only go with fresh actually. I smiled.  Her face was a bit dreaded when she looked at me and couldn't say a word, I smiled again and said "Alright, I'm just teasing you, you can give me something local and of international standard." She smiled and said Owk sir.

That was when I brought out my phone and decided to chat her up. She wasn't Online at the moment so I just dropped a text saying "hello voguish, how have you being?" I continued sipping my tea and checking some tweets while enjoying the sofa on the crafted chairs that are well decorated and fitted.

I received a new notification which I assumed her to be the one but it was a new number saying Hlo Mr. Bello. I smiled and said in my mind. What a perfect stranger because that was the first time someone calls me that. I replied, H. The number replied again saying "I'm by name Ibrahim Abdullah. The best friend to HUMAIRAH". As my usual chat, I replied with SMILES and there he goes again "it was nice meeting you yesterday and I'm glad you did make her day special.  Gracias. Ohhh, pardon my manners, I collected your number from her and told her I want to thank you for being there for her. I'm really happy and hope we will keep in touch and in the best in of all ways." I smiled and replied, it is my pleasure to be there for her and I'm glad she got someone like you as her BEST FRIEND, you really are special to her and for that, we will be in touch in the best of all ways. Thank you so much for popping through my DM. He sent an Emoji and say thank you once again. I smiled and replied, you are welcome.

I was thinking about his words as I didn't perceive any form of sincerity in them, I was thinking of the expression on his face yesterday and yet couldn't figure anything out, I sensed something different but was cut off from the world of thoughts by the waitress who brought the food I ordered. I smiled and gave her my card.

I was eating when my phone bleep for the second time, with my heart throbbing for no reason, I checked and fortunate enough she was the one. The first thing that crosses my mind at the moment was seeing her opposite to me in that Palace. I smiled I opened the text which says "H, I'm good and you? Hope you are enjoying this city." I smiled and replied, none can say NO to this question as long as you are the inquirer.

The chat continued smoothly and lovely, we asked many questions about each other and the environments. Before I knew it, my food got cold and had to ask the waitress to warm it and package it for me because I was sure with the phone in my hand and her number pinned, I can never concentrate. I collected the package and left the palace in a happy but lost mood. I couldn't see anything but her name which made me stood for over 30mins on the street without stopping a cab. I later on got the cab and reached my room in an elated state.

We continue chatting like we aren't strangers, it was full of fun and many stories, we were open to each other and everything was smooth and lovely. I asked if she won't mind having time out with me before I leave the town. She smiled and said, what time are you thinking of leaving? I replied, I'm supposed to leave 2 days ago but I changed my mind after meeting you, I wanted to spend more time here before I officially come for you. We both laugh and she said, I'll try to make it, but in case I didn't, please don't blame me for disappointing you.

Not long after that, she logged out and i stopped to eat my meal also. After finishing, I started thinking about what her response to my request will be, if YES, where should I take her to and if NO, what should be my next step. I slept up while thinking and threw my phone away.

The whirring of my phone woke me up, it was a new number that called for 3 times, I wonder who that might be but decided to call back after I freshen up. It's a friend of mine telling me about his wedding scheduled to take place in a week's time, I was provoked in the first place but later on in found solace knowing that it's taking place in Gombe. Just some KMs from where I was residing.  And added to my joy was the fact that my dream lady is from Gombe also.