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Wind was blowing, with heavy rain accompanied by lightning and thunder. One can hear the sound of the water and the blowing air through the window. With the curtains flying so fast and the glasses shaking rapidly. The wind blowing just like a storm in a desert with no windbreaker.

It was a gruesome moment because I felt like the building is going to collapse, it was the first heavy rain I experienced in the environment. I stood up weakly and hold the flying curtain just to have the view of the surrounding which reminds me of our first encounter even though this situation differs from that mystical moment.

I closed the window tight and set loose of the curtain, went back to my bed and lied down with my feet touching the ground and brought my phone outta my pocket thou as expected, there was no network due to the falling rain, I just start going through my gallery to see the pictures I snapped my lady at her birthday event.

The weather was cool and as such I ordered some coffee and ON the television just to spend some time, before it was served I briefly took my shower and start watching Real Madrid vs. Juventus ULC final as it was the only channel showing something worthy of time.

I heard the knock on my door which was a guy with the coffee I ordered, gave him my card and locked the door after he finished the transaction. I went back and continue watching the match. Later around 9:08pm, the network was restored as the rain reduces. I picked up my phone and muted the television, sat down on the sofa and decided to call my lady.

Her number topped my dialed list as it was the last I dialed for her to see my number at the garden. It started ringing and my heart start to throb also. Few seconds later, the call ended without her picking which makes me feel down-in-the-mouth. But I smiled and harbored the pain.

I continued staring at the television even thou my mind was completely off it, it was the noise from the crowd that brought my attention back and to my surprise, it was already 9:42pm. I decided to give her a call again which was to no avail for the second time and it got me deranged. I felt it down to my bones and was so down-in-the-dumps.

I then made up my mind and sent her a text saying "hello dear, how have you been and the celebration stress, hope you are now a bit relieved, I wished you a very good night and a blessed day ahead. Bello Isah Umar." after dropping the text, I went back to my bed sluggishly and lie down.

Around 11pm, I lost all the hope of receiving the text or call back after checking my phone intermittently. It was then I figured out that I didn't took my coffee which was already cold. With my face so dull and my heart beating swiftly, I off the light and decided to have some rest.

I spent a sleepless night worrying about what makes her ignored my calls. Despite being positive about it, I still couldn't give it a wis thoughts. I tried so hard to harbour it but still face facial expressions will never hide it. There is hour that passed without checking my phone and yet there was nothing worthy of smile.

Around 5am which was the last time I checked the watch, I found myself in slumber land. Thou I couldn't remember anything about the dream, I was awaken by a bleep from my phone, I stood up with enthusiasm and took my phone, I checked and surprisedly it was her number on my notification bar.

The text turned my mood to an ecstatic 1. I felt like I was given all I've ever wished for, I then unlocked my phone and it reads "Apologies my amiable friend, I missed your calls and a text, I slept early yesterday due to the stress and thank you for making the day bright. You can call me by 9am".  I felt it in my blood and I all I could was to smile at the moment.

I finished my morning routines earlier as discussed happier, around 8:52am I was already staring at my phone waiting for 9am which seems to be like a day to me. With a non-stop glance the time ticked 9am and I dialed her number after making sure that I recharged my phone to avoid any disruption no matter how long the call might be.

It started beeping and there she picked up. With her voice so calm and bass, mind calming and soothes the heart of the listener. She said with a soft voice, hello, I answered hi. How have you been and hope your night was a blessed one. She replied, Yes it was and yours? I replied, it was sleepless dear, was thinking about you whole night.  She smiled and said, you don't need to flatter me for I won't be intrigued. I smiled and said, I'm not trying to because there is no word that'll hype your beauty, for it reaches its epitome and surely worthy of making nights sleepless.

She smiled and said, I appreciate your word craft but let's talk about the reality now. I smiled and replied with, I'm not sure a phone call can be so perfect in discussing such issues, despite being a total stranger to you, I'll love it if you allow me to meet you physically so that we can talk and learn about each other more.

A voice from her family member interrupted the call when her attention was called, she said, I'll think about your request and get back to you when I'm free. For the mean time, I'll send you my whatsapp number so that we can chat a bit.  My attention is needed for now, talk to you later. She smiled and hunger up without me saying a word.