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I went back to my hotel and was relieved to have such an unexpected invitation. I was talking to myself times without number and just predicting how the dinner will be. Few minutes later I reached my room and it was after 2pm already. I prayed and decided to have some rest when I remember that we had an agreement with my strange friends to meet up in the evening to play chess. So I dragged my phone and start practicing online just to make sure that this time around I finished them up In short time. It was fun the last time we played and as planned, this time I'll play with the lady first before punishing the guy for the second time. I was very enthusiastic and with no hesitation I chose to play a 5minutes game just to master my speed and accuracy.

I ordered some soft drinks and snacks because I wanted not to eat at all, for I was thinking about the frabjous dinner I'll have that night. I was playing the game with tricky moves and masterful defences when I received a call which was surprisingly from Ibrahim.  I wondered what would make him called me after the first call that was encapsulated with thanks giving excuses. I received the call and the conversation continues.

After brief greetings, with soft voice he asked if I was still in town, I replied YES but will be leaving in few days from now. He smiled and said, I don't know if you'll have the chance for us to meet so that I can tour you around the city since you are now a family. I smiled and said, wow, so you've already categorised me as a family? what an honour! We both smiled and told him I'll send the address via his whatsapp, but with the condition that we will go out for only few minutes and he agreed to that.

After the call ended, I thought so much about the sudden intimacy, Ibrahim didn't show any sign of dissentaneous behaviour but I had no idea why my heart didn't believed in him.  I dressed up and prayed as it was time.  Few minutes after that, he knocked at the door and I opened with the will to go out directly but from the way I saw him, our dress pattern differs clearly and he described the nature of the outing which obliged me to change mine.

I sharply changed to a short that stopped at my knee level, a round neck long sleeve shirt and all other accessories. We went down and before leaving we branched at the pool site and to my surprise, that was the exact time my two anonymous friends arrived, they stopped at the bar and ordered a pit of tea and there we found our selves on a table of 4.

Ibrahim is also very good when it comes to chess, so after our anticipated game with the lady that ended by stalemate in my favor, it was very nice and all my players were out, the only thing I did was denied her checkmate, which lead us to a draw by stalemate. We then played with Ibrahim and the game lasted for quite a long time before I finished him up wickedly, we both laughed, excused our selves and left for the outing.

When we went out, he mentioned many places to me of which I told him I visited them and he suddenly came up with the idea of going out of the outskirts of the city to visit water fall, we branched and picked up some ladies with quite beautiful faces and noticeable height.  The first thing that came to my mind was the case I was still unsolved about Farida and firdausi and now another err, I thought of getting an excuse to leave but It was Ibrahim and as she told me many things about him, I got to respect him, so I danced to the tune and we moved out of town.

It was few minutes after 5pm, my phone was low but was optimistic that we would finished in time so that I can attend the dinner by 7pm. I sent her a text just to tease her for being in the kitchen cooking for me despite we weren't in good terms, she replied few minutes later and said, " I await your presence dear, I'll serve you tea without sugar and see how you will ask for it in the midst of the family members." She dropped some emojis and I was very excited how lovely she replied. My mind went there for a while until I was tapped on the shoulder by the lady at back and said, why are you silent and not saying a thing? It seems you are thinking about something, you need to leave that and have some fun dear, that's all what we are out for.