You have a serious crush on Slogoman, the famous british YouTuber. He is in your age, but lives in a different country (im sorry if u live in Britain). He publishes a video and you start to watch it. There are no comments, and you take your chance. "Hi Slogo!" You write. "Dm me on Instagram, please, @#########" You get seriously mean answers to the comment, but finally Josh notices you. He texts you:
-hi you. What's your name
-i am (y/n). Nice you wrote to me
-no problem
-i think you're handsome
-thanks? You're beatiful too
- thank you.After a couple of weeks you have texted so much that Josh admits you have a relationship. You start to cry thinking that you'll never see Josh, because you live in (your country). But you never give the hope up.

Slogoman x Reader -- Slogoman Fanfiction
Fanficcute and romantic story of you and josh. the story is finished in 15 chapters.