Chapter 15

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"OK, volleyball time!" said our coach.

A few details about our coach. Since we're girls, our coach is Coach Kary, but everyone calls her 'Gator' 'cause she really fierce and if you call her by her real name, she'll make you do 50 pushups. Now, no one wants that.

"Everybody will be divided into two teams. There will be 6 in each team, the rest will have to sit out." she said.

"Man, I hope I have to sit out." I heard a girl, I think her name was Wendy, say.

"How about we try to fake an injury?" asked another girl, Susan.

"No way," said Maddie. "She'll definitely know if we're lying or not."

"True." said Wendy.

"Now, the teams." said Gator.

I crossed my fingers and hoped that I wouldn't get picked. I sucked at volleyball. Actually, I sucked at all things athletic. Whenever a ball came towards me, I'd run away from it. I really hated sports.

"First team, Amanda, Susan, Lucy, Ashley, Wendy and Polly." said Coach.

Susan and Wendy groaned and then left to join their team.

"Second team, Jane, May, Belle, Scarlet..."

Please not me, please not me!

"Maddie and Luna."

"No!" we both yelled at once.

"Now, everyone in their positions." yelled Gator.

We all took our positions. Jane, Scarlet and Maddie were in the back row, and May, Belle and I were in the front.

I looked at Maddie. She gave me a thumbs up and I turned around, concentrating on the game.

The whistle blew and the ball was unleashed.


"That was the roughest game ever!" complained Maddie.

"I know, and now I smell disgusting." I groaned.

"Ladies, hit the showers." screamed Coach.

As soon as the warm water hit me, I relaxed. I stayed in the shower for 15 minutes, before coming out, grim and sweat free. I changed into my plain yellow tee, jean shorts and flats and headed to my next class.

I had to go to my locker to get my books first. I shut it and saw Riker standing next to me smiling.

"Hey." I said, throwing my bag over my shoulder.

"Going to Chemistry?" he asked.

"Obviously, and so are you. Come on!" I said grabbing his and pulling him to Chemistry.

Today's assignement was something about Filtration. As always, Riker and I always messed up and ended up outside of class. That gave us time to talk.

"Did you see the professor's face?" I smirked.

"Yeah, his 'what have you done this time?' face. It's priceless." he laughed.

Our conversation went on till the bell rang and we had to go to Maths. Sadly, he has to take Basic Math whereas I take Algebra. They say I need to improve and the best way is to make me work hard, so here I am. Another terrible thing, Riker's ex, Kristy, is in the same class.

She's always trying to be friendly with me. I can never figure out why. As soon as class was over, I was about to leave when she tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see her smiling at me.

"Can we talk?" she asked.

"Sure." I said.

We headed out into the grounds. We found a quite corner and sat down.

"What do you want to talk about?" I said, bluntly.

"Um, well..."

"Just tell me already." I said, impatiently.

"It's about Riker."

Now, I was mad.

"Why?" I asked, trying to sound normal, even though anger was started to boil inside of me.

"I want you to ask him if he can forgive me." she said.

"Why should I?" I asked, furiously.

"Because I don't want our relationship to be awkward," she said sadly. "Yeah, every time these relationships end, the boy and girl are put in an awkward situation, but they end up becoming friends again. And I want us to be good friends, nothing else."

"And you need me why exactly?"

"He'll never let me say anything, so I thought that since he listens to you, you could tell him for me."

I thought about it. Did I really want her to be friends with him? She was being really nice about it. But could I trust her? Maybe I should try. Let's see what he wants. But first, I want a question answered.

"Why did you break up with Riker anyway?" I asked her.

"It's a long story." she sighed.

"I have 15 minutes before my next class. Start now."


She took a deep breath and began.

"It was after school. I was at my locker when this random guy came up to me and asked me out. I said yes, because I was sick of dating Riker. I mean, he was sweet and all, but I knew I didn't deserve him. I was just too cruel. So after we went on our date, I called Riker and broke up with him. Our relationship was the longest for me that had lasted."

"How many boyfriends have you had before?"

She hesitated but told me.


"What!?!?!?!" I screamed.

Oh my god! She was that cruel, that she ditched every guy she got sick of to go after another one.

"Yeah. Right now, I'm going out with number 13. Let's see how that turns out." she said, getting up.

I got up after her. Now I definitely didn't want to tell him what she asked. She saw my expression and gave me a sad smile.

"I know you don't want to tell him anymore," she said sadly. "It's OK. I don't feel like it either. I don't deserve to be friends with anyone nice. All I do is take advantage of them."

I felt bad. She knew she was doing the wrong thing and was sorry for it, but she just couldn't stop.

"Anyway, it was nice admitting it to someone. Well, bye now."

I looked at her as she walked away. Beautiful, yet icy. No wonder every boy was attracted to her.

"There you are!"

I turned around to see Riker standing there. He saw my expression and came closer.

"You OK?" he asked.

I was experiencing terrible sadness at that moment. Evem though I wasn't the one who broke someone's heart, or was the person whose heart was broken, I still knew what it felt like.

I flung my arms around him and buried myself in his chest.

"Woah!" he said. Then he put his arms around me as well.

We pulled away from each. He smiled and he took my hand in his. I smiled and we walked away.

Kristy was a really sweet person. If possible, I'd like to be her friend. Also, if ever possible...

I'd love to be the one who deserves River.


Hello! Thankfully, my cold is much better now. So please vote and comment on this chapter. And please follow me. OK, bye bye.

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