Chapter 30

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Riker took me to the mall so I could get a new dress and some shoes.

"I'm gone!" he said as soon as we entered the first boutique.

"No," I said, grabbing his arm. "Don't leave! I won't be long, I just need one dress and one pair of shoes!"

He sighed and I pulled him to the rack of clothes. After fifteen minutes, he sat down on a seat and started texting a friend. I was upset that he was ignoring me, but I had to shop, so I continued my business. The wedding is two days away. And I'm a nervous wreck.

"What about this one?" I mumbled.

I picked out a dull shade of pink, lace dress with cap sleeves and a ribbon bow in the middle. With it, I chose white heels and a cute pink bangle. It even came with a cute pair of silver earrings.

I headed into the changing room and changed. When I was done, I headed out and stood in front of Riker.

"What do you think?" I asked.

He looked up and his eyes opened wide, he gaped and got up, not being able to say anything.

"You... you look... wow!"

"Short on words?" I giggled.

He nodded.

"I'm buying this," I said, taking a spin.

"Hell yeah, you are!"

I laughed and took off the outfit. Handing it to the cashier.

"Have a nice day!" she said.

Shopping: check!


Riker's POV

My beautiful girlfriend just finished her shopping. She bought a dress that made her look like an angel. Then again, she'll always be an angel in my eyes.


She snapped me back to reality. We were at Starbucks. She was enjoying her Peppermint Hot Chocolate while I just got a Shaken Sweet Tea.

"Where are you?" she asked.

I grasped her hand. "Lost in thought at the fact of how beautiful you are!"

She blushed and hid behind her hair. I laughed and brought her hand time my lips, planting a light kiss on her knuckles. That made her blush even more.

"You get really shy!" I laughed.

"Shut up!" she mumbled.

I chuckled and let go of her hand, taking a sip of my tea.

"Now, you have to buy a new phone?"
She nodded, holding her drink and looking out the window. I pouted and looked out as well. Nothing but people and buildings. A long silence ensued. I didn't feel like breaking it.


I looked at Luna. She looked depressed and I was pretty sure if she pushed herself, she'd cry. I hate it when that happens. It spoils her pretty face.

I raised an eyebrow at her. She sighed and looked straight into my eyes.

"Did you buy a tuxedo?"

I almost did a spit take. God, she got me all worried for nothing.

"I already have one at home," I answered. "It's brand new, I bought it last week."


Then she shook her head and looked at me with that same worried expression.

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