chapter 1

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Akaashi Keiji sighed as he watched the humans from his perch on the top of a two-story tall building. He had just completed his mission, though it gave him no satisfaction. He had no connection or interaction with the old middle-aged man whom he helped to reunite with his long lost daughter, and he did not feel any sort of satisfactory gratification in doing so. Akaashi had no wish to return to the Earth. Absolutely none. At all.

"After what happened?" The black-haired angel snorted, rolling his eyes, "Please. I'd rather fall down to the pits of hell."

He swung his lean legs over the edge of the building, swinging them lightly as he gazed down at the busy road beneath him.

"I wish I could've just died right there and then instead of becoming an angel," Akaashi grumbled, fidgeting with his fingers, "I don't want to return to Earth, and I don't want to help others."

"Akaashi-chan, if you keep running your mouth like this something bad will happen!"

Akaashi turned around to see a familiar silver-haired angel standing behind him; one of his closer friends in the Cloud 9 Vicinity, Sugawara Kōshi.

Narrowing his eyes, the black-haired angel turned back around as he sighed.

"I am not grateful for this opportunity to live again, Sugawara-san," Akaashi said firmly, his voice laced with a rather cold edge, "My life on Earth was terrible, why would I wish to help foolish mortals in achieving their own happiness when I myself was not provided with any?"

The silver-haired angel frowned, taking a seat besides Akaashi and swinging his legs over the edge of the building.

"Akaashi, I'm sure there was at least something...or rather someone who made you happy during your time on Earth. Why not think about that?"

Akaashi bit his lip and turned to glare at the silver-haired angel, "The one person who made me happy eventually left me anyways. He deceived me."

Turning his gaze back to the road below him, the black-haired angel narrowed his steel blue eyes. "Why do mortals trust one another, only to break when the people whom they care about lie and betray them? It is simply a waste of time. Investing emotion and time into others will simply go to squander."

Sugawara sighed, a wave of pity washing over him as he gazed at Akaashi.

"You have to return to Earth someday, Akaashi."

Wordlessly, the silver-haired angel stood up and unfurled his wings, before taking off into the sky.

Akaashi did not turn his head to watch Sugawara's departure, but instead reached behind himself to pull out his Attachment. The steel dog muzzle was still as silver as ever in color, and Akaashi gingerly brushed a thin, lean finger over the cool metal.

Even this is not enough to make me feel something.

The black-haired angel chuckled bitterly, placing the Attachment next to him.

After all, who would feel anything at all after such a traumatic time as a human?

He traced the veins on his forearm with his right hand slowly, looking down at the pale, almost white skin. Akaashi had never been someone with a particularly large build on Earth, nor was he ever particularly healthy. His physical appearance as a human had seemingly carried over to his angel form.

I've always hated my appearance, but He just had to perfectly replicate every single fucking aspect of me to this form.

Rolling his eyes, the black-haired angel grabbed the Attachment and secured it around his face, fastening the straps around the back of his neck.

deal my soul | bokuaka (angel! au) ; part 2Where stories live. Discover now