Suds | Season 1, Episode 6

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[Last time on Suds, Darien snuck up behind Shantel and... ditched her, LOL, but not to worry, our girl still has one more plan to win back her lost puppy love. And with Terrance detained by his lonely mother, Shantel might have more than enough time to—well see for yourself.]

Shantel looked out of the window. She was less than fifteen minutes away from the Carbondale stop, and out of options. Well, at least I didn't break up with Terrance. Pulling her phone from her purse, she sorted through numbers until she found Yellow Cab. Maybe I can give Darien a ride back to the dorms in my cab. Her hand lingered on the call button before she dropped the phone into her bag with another scheme in mind. Darien probably parked his car at the train station, and if I accidentally forget to call a cab, he just might offer me a ride home. Her heart fluttered.

As faith would have it, Darien and Shantel unloaded their bags from the train at the same time. The early afternoon sun hinted at warmth, but the icicle winds countered. Shantel wrapped her arms around her body as the cold wind sliced through her thin trench.

"Did you get any studying done," he asked with an effortless, fine smile.
"I did," she said. "When I pull that A+, you're allowed to call me Einstein." Darien laughed. His eyes sparkled and she stared at him for a second longer that she planned. She glanced around at the other passengers scurrying off to meet their rides. As they walked away from the train, she came to an abrupt stop.

"Oh no," she sighed, slapping her forehead. "I forgot to call a cab." She watched as the only cab was taken by a group of girls.
"That's messed up."
Shantel bit her bottom lip, waiting for him to offer her a ride. She could see his car in her peripheral vision. It was parked in the furthest corner of the lot. "I can call my roommate," she said pulling her phone from her purse and dialing Movie phone. She listened to the movie line-up, and heard a movie that she actually wanted to see. Shantel pounded the phone off. "No answer," she groaned.

Darien looked away, swinging his bag over his shoulder.
She rolled her eyes and glanced down the empty Main Street, annoyed that it was taking him so long to offer her a ride.
Shantel tugged her roller suitcase. "Well, I'll see you later." Her stiletto boots clicked off beat as the wind pushed against her back. She squeezed her arms around the meager coat, cursing herself for not calling a cab.
Darien watched her struggle to walk with the icy winds pushing her along.

"When are you leaving," Lalique complained when Leilah changed the channel from a gruesome open heart surgery.
"Thank you," Tyler shouted. "She always making us watch them nasty shows."
'Yeah," Ty chimed in, "And we can't ever watch our movie."
"Shut up," Lalique snapped, "It's educational. Darn kids don't know how to appreciate quality television."

All seven of Sheila's children sat in Aunt Lisa's living room. Jack D. sat in the corner, whispering on Lalique's cell phone. Tu Tu lay on the floor, coloring. Ty and Tyler built Lego towers, rammed them over with toy cars, and laughed as the towers collapsed. The three eldest, sat on the couch.

"You got a man yet?" Xeniyah asked.
"Does it look like I have time for a man?" Leilah yawned. "I'm here with ya'll like every other weekend. When I'm not here, I'm working, and as soon as  I do get a minute to myself, I plan on sleeping so I can check these bags goodbye," she pointed at her dark, puffy under eye area.

Lalique snatched the remote out of Leilah's hand. "You look dead. Take a nap before you get on the highway." She flicked back to the surgery, leaning forward to get a closer look at the doctor stitching up her patient. "Zen, why you always asking somebody if they got a man? You act like that's all there is to life."
Xeniyah rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "It's more fun than being dry and boring."
Leilah stood, "Please don't start." She grabbed her keys off the shelf. "I'll sleep when I get back to the dorm." Leilah slid on her gym shoes and said goodbye to her real life in Chicago. Then she climbed into her old Grand Am, and started the five-hour drive back to surreality—college.

Come on, God. Darien prayed. I can't take this girl home. Do you see what she's wearing? Darien stormed across the lot to his car, dumping his bag in the trunk. It's too cold for her to walk. He turned the key and the engine purred to life. He sighed. Man, God, you gon have to work this out.

Darien pulled up at the curve, hopped out of the car and grabbed Shantel's oversized suitcase. "It was only a four-day trip," he complained, loading her bag into the trunk,
"You don't have to," she said. "I don't want you to feel uncomfortable."
"It's cold," he glanced away as he opened the passenger door. "Get in."
She smiled. "It is cold." Still squeezing her arms around herself, Shantel clicked over and slid into the passenger seat.
Darien closed the door and forced out the breath he had been holding.
He trotted back to the driver's seat and hopped into his muscle car. The floral scent of Shantel's favorite perfume already filled the car. He rolled his window down an inch and sped off.

Shantel waited for him to speak.
Then she leaned back in the seat and sighed, "I miss this car." She scooped her smooth, shiny hair over her shoulder and faced him. "Do you remember that time when..."
Her voice drifted off. Darien prayed. God, I'm trying to be with you, but I ain't ready for this type of test.
Shantel rested her hand on his thigh.
He jerked the car to a stop.

Terrance drove down the highway, relieved that he was able to get on the road by 5 pm. If Shantel was still up, they could hang for a while, since her roommate was never around.

Less than two hours into the drive, he noticed an old Grand Am with a blown tire pulled over on the side of the road. He slowed down enough to see the car had an SIUC parking decal on the back window. Better him than me, he thought as he picked up speed. Then he had another thought. What if it's a her?

[Up next: Bubbles, bubbles, toiling troubles]

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