Suds | Season 1, Episode 8

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[Last time on Suds, Darien turned Shantel down for God. Deep gasp!! I'll give you a minute to gather your thoughts—Ready? Good, because while Shantel was busy not getting busy, Terrance scooped up a Leilah-in-distress. Innocent right? He's just being helpful. Well, can someone tell me my why Mr. Roadside Assistance—who just professed his love to Shantel in episode 2–turned his phone to silent mode? What's the 'que pasa' with him?]

As the mechanic slid the busted tire off Leilah's car, Terrance noticed the bald threads. He turned his attention  back to her soft, innocent face. She was prettier than he remembered. His lips bowed into a smile. Just then—as though she could feel his eyes trained on her brown skin—her body tensed, and she turned in the passenger seat.
His eyes bounced back to her car.
Leilah settled back into sleep.
Terrance quietly hopped out of his truck and walked through the barn-sized garage filled with ailing older-model cars. When he reached Leilah's car, he tapped on the trunk.
The mechanic glanced up, raising his shaggy blonde eyebrows. "Just about done here." He wiped his brawny hands on a grease-stained towel.
"Thanks man. Can you change the other three tires too?"
"Offered. Told your lady friend I got some good used tires, but the gal said she only had enough for this one." He tightened the nuts on the new old tire he had just installed. "She needs 'em replaced though."
Terrance pulled out his wallet. "Go ahead and replace the other three tires. Put it all on this card."
"All of it? Even the tow?"
Terrance nodded.
"Sure thing."
Shantel paced around her tiny dorm room three times before dialing Terrance's phone number. Why isn't he answering?
"What's up. This is Terrance. I'm busy. Leave a message. Beep."
"Hey Baby, what's up? You haven't returned any of my calls or messages. This makes six. Pick one and call me back."

Shantel tossed her phone on the bed, exhaling deeply before laying down beside it. Where is he? If he left at two, he should be here by now. She glanced over at the bright red digits on her alarm clock. It's almost nine o'clock. She muffled her face in her hands. The agony of being alone clawed at her throat like it was trying to jump out. She curled into fetal position inhaled deeply and forced the air back out. She focused on her breathing exercises until the panic simmered. Then, she climbed under her down comforter, still in her black mini dress, and dialed Terrance's number again.

"What's up. This is Terrance. I'm busy. Leave a message. Beep."
"Baby," she cried, wiping away real tears as they fell. "I—I need you." Shantel's voice quivered and her body shook. She covered her mouth to silence the desperation. "Um..." she mustered a normal tone, "Call me when you get a chance. I hope everything is alright."

Shantel hung up the phone, covered her head with the blanket, and cried. Her body heaved under the weight of her sobs.


Leilah's eyes popped open. The warm leather seat hugged her bottom and smooth jazz notes brought her memory back. She sat up and saw her car, looking clean and new with all four tires in place. She smiled and glanced over at Terrance, sleeping on his reclined seat. She didn't want to wake him so she slid out of the car and gently closed the door.

Terrance opened his eyes and his gaze followed her to the finished car. She slept an hour after the car was ready. He had even tipped the mechanic extra. Excitement stirred inside him as she walked to her car. He raised his seat and got out of the truck. Then, he leaned his football player-like frame on the hood of his car. His heart warmed as he watched her uncover his present.

"So, how much do I owe you." Leilah asked the mechanic.
"Already taken care of." He nodded toward Terrance several feet away. "The tow and all four tires. Even took the car through the wash. She's ready to go."
Leilah's mouth dropped open.
"I'll open the garage door so you kids can drive on out."
She shook her head in disbelief. "Th—thank you."

Leilah walked over to Terrance. "How much do I owe you?"
"How about a 'thank you'?"
"Thank you." Her words cut short. "What else?"
"Your eyes look better."
Leilah felt a need to look elsewhere and crossed her arms across her chest. "I don't like to owe. How much?
"You owe me," Terrance grinned, "a phone call."
Her eyes snapped back to him, "A phone call? What kind of phone call?"
"Not that kind," he said, shaking his head. "I'm tired," he pointed to himself, then at her. "You're tired. We can keep each other awake. No falling asleep at the wheel."
"I'm not tired."
"I am."
"Call your girlfriend."
He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his designer jeans. "It's late."
Leilah dropped her eyes to the ground. "My phone is dead."
He pulled her small, black phone from his pocket and sparked it to life. "I charged it."
She grit her teeth. "Thank you."
His forehead wrinkled. "Never mind." Terrance climbed into his SUV and started the engine.
Leilah followed him to the door and waited as he rolled down the window. "Tell me your number."
He answered, matching her flat, uninterested tone.
She texted him. "That's me."
He nodded.
"Ya'll about ready?" The mechanic called from the open door.
"Yes, just grabbing my stuff."
Terrance passed an oversized bag through the window.
"Thanks." She grumbled.
He pulled his seatbelt on.
Leilah swallowed back the lump in her throat. "I'm not good at getting help," she admitted.
"I won't call. Get in the car. I'll follow you back."
"Please don't. My car isn't very fast."
"The man wants to go home."
The mechanic lingered near the open garage door. She trotted over to her car, started it and drove out of the garage with Terrance close behind.


Shantel woke up, groggy. She stared at the blurry numbers on the clock before her eyes adjusted to the shape. It was almost ten o'clock at night, and Terrance still had not called her.

Fishing through her contacts, she found a number and dialed.
"Darien, it's me."

[Stay tuned for a frothy combustion of soap kissing water.]

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