Christmas List: Mel

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Jason's POV

The following Monday resembled the murky, rainy days in spring. The fateful day of seeing her eyes filled with sorrow was painful. I bet my little comment wasn't helpful either. It must have felt like pity. Maybe I have seen her too many times in her vulnerable state. I want to give her a hug and show her everything will be alright but I can't make her uncomfortable. She described me as work buddies, nothing more... I hope that now she won't just see me as a person who is an audience to her sadness.

When Mel as coming in, she had that certain glamor that only a few people have. A sense of importance amounted in every step she took. Our eyes met as she walked by. Heart jumped from 60 beats a minute to 1000. My anxiety seems to spike around her. A small smile formed when she began to speak to me. "Good morning, Jason."

"Guten tag to you too." I gave her a warm smile back. Gosh her smile was beautiful. Okay, stop thinking that.

She mustered a giggle. Usually, her laughs were controlled and calculated but this was different. It was a silly laugh. Wait why is she laughing. Oh, I know. "Guten tag means good morning in German, by the way. I wasn't just botching up the English language that badly."

"No, I'm not laughing at that. Haha. Guten tag is actually good afternoon. Guten morgen is good morning. You're such a mann behuplet sometimes."

"Wait what does that mean?"

"Look it up, hehe." She laughed once more and went on her merry way.

I didn't mean to look this stupid. Redness started to take over and went into the bathroom to splash water on my face to feel less flushed.

It's been weeks since I've spoken with her. It was getting close to Christmas and I knew the chances of having lunch with Mel anymore were close to nothing.

A day before Christmas eve I stopped at a bookstore nearby which I heard sold amazing salads. I knew she would like it, so I thought I should check out the place first. It could be a topic of conversation when I see her next. I got a southwestern salad. I can't help that it's my favorite, I get it everywhere I go.

I sat down and there was a book right across from me. It caught my eye and I couldn't stop staring at it. Every few seconds I would look back at it. I didn't know what exactly was drawing me to the book but I was already a fan already.

A lady noticed I was staring at it too. She gave me a weird look then came my way. "Are you staring at that book?"

"Oh, yes ma'am it seems to be interesting."

"We might have something to talk about then. May I sit with?"

It felt weird but I complied. She pulled up a chair and was fiddling with something in her lap.

"What draws you to the book?" She asked. Honestly, I didn't know myself.

"I'm not sure. It seems like it's calling to me." I saw a little book with notes popping out from every side. "Are you a writer?"

"Yes, and I'm the author of the book you're staring at."

I never met a famous author. It was quite an honor. The only sorta famous person I met was Mel and she just appeared in one magazine.

"Oh, congrats. I never met a writer before."

"Thank you. I came to you because I think you should buy the book."

"If I read what's it about I'll buy it."

"You don't need to read anything. In fact, the book isn't meant for you."

"Uhm, what do you mean?" This woman was giving me off vibes. I felt sorry for her if she has to harass people to buy her books.

"This book has a purpose for you to get close to someone. They have a connection to this book and you have a connection to the person. You buy it for them and you'll get in her good graces."

I was pretty sure the lady was delusional. She was about 85 and looked like she has dementia.

"Okay, I'll buy the book."

"You're not going to regret this young man." She assured me.

After the purchase, she took the book from me. She signed her name and put her card in there. She left and said happy holidays.

I went to the back of the book and she was definitely the author. Her photo did her justice. She definitely didn't look delusional in it. I went to see what she wrote. She had a heartwarming message and then at the end, she has written it to Mel. To Mel of all people. Yes, this gives me an excuse to talk to her but this is strange. Can that lady read minds? I felt the need to leave the store. It was giving me too much of an off vibe. I went to go buy a bag to put the book in. I made it pretty enough for Mel's liking and brought it to my desk. Now I have to find the right opportunity to give it to her.

I wasted the rest of my time at work on how to smoothly give it to her without being weird. I just had to go for it. Once everyone pretty much left for home, I thought it was my chance. I grabbed the bag and walked to her door.

I stood there for a second watching her work. She was always so serious about her work. She was too focused to notice me. I knocked slightly and she jumped a little. "Oh, sorry. I thought everyone left already. Come in."

I thought I thought it all through but as soon as I got in there, I didn't know how to give it to her.

"What's that?" She asked.

"It's just a gift... for you."

"You must be my secret Santa. I was hoping it was you. Last year you gave an amazing gift to Sandra. She couldn't stop talking about it."

"No, I had the opportunity to get you something that's close to you. Wait, there was a secret Santa?"

"Yeah... Well, it's actually refreshing for you to buy me a gift just on the whim. It's very sweet of you."

"Thank you, I try."

"Don't let it get to your head." She laughed. I laughed with her and I wish I could've photographed that moment and keep it forever.

I handed her gift to her. She ripped the paper out of the bag violently. She reminded me of little kids on Christmas. She found the book and her eyes lit up. "I wanted this book so badly. I was just waiting for her to have a book signing."

"Well, look inside."

She opened it and saw her name. She broke into tears. She stood up and hugged me tightly. "This is the best gift ever. I love it. This is calls for a celebration. I was gonna eat this all alone in my office but since you're here and you're a wonderful gift-giver I'm giving you some too."

She pulled out a huge cake and two forks from her drawer.

"Do you just have silverware in your desk?"

"Yes, but are you gonna complain or are you gonna eat with me."

I took the first bite. It was chocolate goodness. We sat and talk for hours. By the time we were done, it was about 2 in the morning.

"I'm not sleepy. Are you sleepy?" She asked.

"No, I'm not."

"Then you wanna continue this at a diner?"

"Of course."

We grabbed our stuff and went off. It was the first night I stayed up till 8 in the morning. Something felt off when we said goodbye. I didn't want her to go. I told her I needed to get a gift for my mom and asked her if she could help me find one. She complied and told me to meet her at 2:00 pm for quick shopping. Now somehow I had to get her to spend Christmas day with me.

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