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3rd personPOV
-12:00 am-
Tossing and turning the boy lied in his mess of a bed. The lights were off and yet the image was clear. The old fan creaking along and the broken window allowing humid air to take over.

"goddammit" a whisper broke the silence. 💎

For the past month, Felix had been getting a recurring dream about a boy flying through time with him. Occasionally it would be beautiful sunsets and flower gardens but today it was a nightmare. Horrific gore that no child should have seen. The nightmare had the boy in it again but he looked more....dead. His fragile body looked as if it was decomposing. What woke Felix up was when the mysterious figure shooting him square in the head.

"What was that? Who was that?" Felix trudged through the piles of unfolded laundry and empty bottles of whiskey to get to the his bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. His black hair was sticking in every direction. He looked at his bare chest and the scars from the beatings he was dealt with. His eyes were swollen, must have been all the weeping. He splashed his skin with water to wash away the tired look. To bad the tears beat him to it.

Ever since Felix was young he was an athletic kid. He participated in most sports. Never the captain but always one of the best players. He tried to be as healthy as possible and constantly was moving. Always happy, always smiling. Where did those times go?...

Felix POV💎
What the hell is the time? 12:10 am! Fuck meeeeeeeee! Let me see if the oldies are asleep. 'Good' they were deep asleep. I grabbed my shoes and put on a shirt. A morning walk always cleared my head.

'How long have I been running for?'

Might as well take a break. I spotted a bench and plopped my not so fatass down (we get it, Felix, your athletic *anger noises*). Today is my birth mother's birthday. Maybe I should visit her grave...she would probably hate that. After all, a person who died from skydiving isn't really a remorseful type of person. Maybe that's why I am like this. "Fuck you, mom. Look what you did to me."

Time to go back "home"

It felt like my whole body was chained to the bed. Every limb felt like a hotdog on a stick. "ahhhh fucccccxxxccccckckkkkkk!" I moaned in pain. I guess my sister heard it and walked to my room confused.

"Sup snow-white, what's with all the noise?" ♥️

My sister was about 2 years younger than me but we were closer than you would think. We had to be after our parents died and we were thrown in and out of every foster home in the state. Most people thought she was the older one though. She dressed like a college student and was a "curvy bitch"™. She had dirty blonde hair and pale skin. The only thing that made us similar was our light blue eyes. Most people said they made us look like white walkers.

"My body feels like an elephant sat on it" 💎

"Well you smell like it too. Go take a bath, Princess." ♥️

A Boy Named Arthur Where stories live. Discover now