Self Sabotage

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Sorry for all the time changes! I'm trying to avoid anything that is unnecessary in this story pls forgive my tortured soul!


I woke the next day on the floor. I looked around and realized I must have stayed the night at Henry's house. To be honest, just being around Henry was making me more open. With others, I would just ignore their presence or not even bother talking. With him, I just couldn't seem to shut my mouth.

"So that new kid was pretty cute!"🚬

"Can you stop talking about him already? It's bad enough that you embarrassed me in front of him."💎

Henry just laughed to himself as he remembered what he had done yesterday.

"We should get ready for school?"💎

"Come on let's just skip!" 🚬

"Sorry man you know how much that would upset my sister."💎

Ever since I was a child I can remember my sister has been babying me. Whether it's because I "didn't eat enough" or "I was up too late". I never thought it was a bad thing but it was pretty annoying. She always had that Mother in her. She was always diligent just like our Mama but I looked like her more. Our Papa he....didn't look like either of us.


The class had started and most kids were in their seats. Then he walked in. I could tell Henry was staring at me with a stupid grin on his face. I can't believe I am his friend!


A smile engulfed his perfectly smooth skin. His denim jacket covered his small frame. The more I look the more I...



I need to learn how to stop thinking...

Arthur POV🌙✨

I got the courage to say hello to them earlier! I tried my best to pay attention to the teacher, but I don't think it will be much help.

"Hey, buddy I got a question to ask you!"🚬

What was his name again?... Henry now I remember. He sat his arm on his friend's head who looked pretty annoyed. He shifted his body weight to so it looked pretty uncomfortable. Henry looked at me with an impatient glare so I decided to stop daydreaming.


"Well... I've been thinking and I thought to myself I ought to ask you to sit with us during lunch!"🚬

I was stunned at his question. Why me? I looked at his friend, Felix, for approval. It looked like he was to busy trying to escape Henry's arm now locked around him in a headlock. How are these two friends again?

"I would love to!"🌙✨

My lips curled instantly into a present shape. I could feel my dimples showing off. I can't believe this is happening. Henry looked relieved at my answer and Felix just had a defeated wash over his face.

"Is it okay if my friend can sit with us too?"🌙✨

-Lunch Time-

I walked into the gigantic lunchroom basking in its glory and filth all at the same time. Although I was shorty interrupted by someone slapping me in the back so hard I stumbled forward a bit before regaining my posture.

"Hey B what are you looking at? All the hot dudes!"🏀

"Can you chill for like a quick second!? I was looking at the size of this place. They never had anything like this back in the Philippines or Norway or Austria! Not like you would know anything about travel K.L."✨🌙

"Ow, you are just gonna burn me like that! I gotta admit though this cafeteria is HUGE!"🏀

I laughed at K.L.'s enthusiasm. Somehow they were always happy and made others around them feel the same. I was always jealous of their confidence.

"Do you know that guy, the one who is waving at us?"🏀

I look to where they are pointing and see Henry on top of a table!? I start laughing uncontrollably when I spot Felix yelling at Henry to "stop being a dumbass and get down here before you get hurt!"

"I am gonna guess that is a yes! Let's go towards the crazy people!"🏀

People were now staring at us as we made our way over to loudmouth and Felix.

"Hey bitches finally decided to join us!"🚬

"We would have made here over early but we got a bit distracted..."✨🌙

I start giggling but stop myself when I see Felix grow red from embarrassment.

"So who is this lovely lady?"🚬

"They are the friend I was talking about early."🌙✨
"My name is K.L."🏀

"Well you are out of luck today. Both of us are gay or too single to mingle!"🚬

We all laugh except for Felix who seems to be smiling at his phone. This is the first time I have seen him really smile.

"What are you looking at?"🏀

K.L. You really take the words out of my mouth sometimes!

"An idiot who doesn't know how to shut his mouth."💎

He lifts up his phone which is playing a video of Henry standing on a table.

"Delete that right now! I can't have my reputation ruined!"🚬

"What reputation?"💎

Those were Felix's last words as he sent the video to a group chat, the phone still facing us. All of us were laughing our asses off. Henry was more angry laughing more than anything. I wonder why? Henry had always seemed like such a "chill" so why was he so upset about this.

"Hopefully Luke has that group chat blocked still or you are going to die tonight!"🚬

Luke? They can't mean, no that's crazy...right?

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