vampire/werewolf winners

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please pm Jells_ your email to receive your sticker! also, please give the judges a big thank you! without them, these awards would not have happened.




in first place is game on, alpha by messiwrites_  with a score of 54/60!


Such an awesome story. Kept me on the edge to know what would have happened next almost all the time. The way the characters are developed leaves the readers hanging onto the story. Very well explained and I could literally feel like I'm at the place where the story is taking place.

This story definitely deserves a shot in the winner list! ~ NisshaNirmalKumar

in second place is sly as a fox by roseh23 with a score of 50/60!


An awesome story too. The first few chapters made me doze off but after a few chapters, I couldn't even keep my phone away for charging. The slow pace had too much confusing information at the start but the story made me cling to it later on. The characters are very well described and so are the incidents. ~ NisshaNirmalKumar

in third place is shadowbrook: once hungry, twice bitten by chloeleia51 with a score of 49/50!


first off, the cover is gorgeous! if cat sees this, then i'm just gonna say she's freaking amazing.

moving on, the title is really long. maybe just shorten it to shadowbrook? i didn't really dock any points for that though.

i think the idea for this is very interesting, with the dream world. i would love to see what happens later on with the story because as far as i can see, you have set it up wonderfully. i would also love to see how her leukemia plays into the story. i also enjoyed how you put in some background info about leukemia. it gives off a more realistic world and i know a lot of people who forget to do that, so props to you.

a suggestion is to expand more on her emotions. while reading i didn't quite get what she felt when the doctor told her about her cancer and her reaction. you put in a little segment of her not accepting and how she was angry, but maybe play a little on that. that would maximize the scene a lot more. same goes for when she's in her dream world. i know you're aiming for her being confused and scared, but try to make it so that the reader can feel her confusion and desperation.

i can tell that you've edited this story a lot. there are very few grammatical errors. so yay!

anyways, congrats! i'll definitely be reading some more of your work! ~ Jells_

congrats to all the winners!

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