Chapter 8: Partner in Crime

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Lucy POV

We all go back to the general's office—of course with our mask on—with the girl who have a code name; YourLameFace. Her code name was quite funny and oh, she's the one who introduce me to everyone, not like she introduce me since I cut her off. I really think she's not fond of people and is not a sociable person, base on what I observe.

She's really hype when she talk infront of everyone but now she's so quite.

When we arrived at the office, the general open her door and we all enter. All of us walk to the couch and sit on it.

I really think that I have some explaining to do later when this lady is gone.

"You'll choose your partner tomorrow, some agents here has a mission now and just gather here to show respect to the new agent. Unfortunately, you're not the Rank 1 agent." She said and mumble the last part but I heard it clearly. Maybe the other didn't heard 'cause they just nods their head.

So some of the agents here were like this? I thought she's friendly 'cause she talks with enthusiasm earlier when she introduced me and got cut off by me. Guess I'm wrong. Maybe I'll observed everybody here.

"Okay, sure." I said shrugging my shoulder, she then stand up and excuse herself.

"I'm sorry for what she acted." Aya said and bow her head. I smile at her and nod.

"Why did you introduced yourself like that?" Dad ask and the other two raise their eyebrow. I smile at him nervously.

"I-I just want to observe them if they're nice but I guess not of all of them." I said and look at Aya. She just look at me apologetically.

"Is that so?." He ask and I nod.
"Well, then. You know what you're doing. I'll let you pass this time. I don't want you to lie, Dear. If your observation is done, tell them the truth, as soon as possible. Understand?" He said and I smile and then nod.


Harumin's POV

When i saw her, I can't stop my tears to fall. I just can't believe that she's here, again.

I'm excited to greet her, say HI to her and hang out with her but then I realize, She's not her. She's not Yuzu, not my bestfriend, not my first gyaru friend.

That thought cause so much pain in my heart, knowing your bestfriend is dead and her doppelganger is here. I just can't.

So I ran to the back of the school and calm myself down before the class starts. Maybe its time now that I move on and accept that she is now in god's know where. I will not forget about her, she still has place in my heart. I think this is the time.

When my tears long gone, i took a deep breath and put my sad smile and procede to searching my class.

I believe my class is A class.


After my last period is done, Lucy and I walk together out from the school and to the gate.

"Ugh.... I wish we can hang out but I have to go somewhere important." I said, displeased.

She said she had to go somewhere too and its quite important and maybe we can hangout some other time.

I replied with a "I like the sounds of it" and then nods and grinned widely.

I am so happy today!


I am here in the HQ, I heard that there's a new agent and we need to show up. The new agent is important, they says.

I walk to the main hall and line up with other agents. Of course with my mask. We can't just go around showing our face for it was quite dangerous. If they'll know what we look like we're doomed and they might threat us so we need to wear it. If they'll call us they just call out  our codename.

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