The Underworld

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In Echo's dream world. On the Jolly Rodger. 

I gasped awake and looked around. I was on the Jolly Rodger? wait what. 

Suddenly i saw Neal standing there. 

My jaw dropped and i stood up  "Bae?"

He smirked "Hey, Echo"

I breathed out relieved and hugged him " It's really great to see you. Why the hell are we on the Jolly Rodger?  Am I dreaming? "

Neal shook his head, amused " No. If this were a dream, there'd be, like, talking doughnuts or something weird like that. Think of this as a long-distance call from an old friend."

Me "A really really old friend"

He rolled his eyes, smirking. 

I hugged him "It's really you. "

Neal " How's Henry? "

i nodded "Great. He... misses his dad. He's growing up. I mean,  i miss his dad too. A lot"

He smiled, nodding "I bet. "

Me " Is this the Underworld? I was on my way to the Underworld."

 Neal nodded " Yeah, I know that's where you're headed. That's kind of why I'm here. Don't go, Echo. Once you get there, it is not an easy place to get out of. I know you're trying to save Hook. But trust me on this. This won't end the way you think it will. "

Me " I would have come after you, too. I didn't know I could do this. "

Neal shook his head "You couldn't have. I'm not there. I'm not in limbo. "

I froze "Does that mean... that Hook is there? I can get him? "

Neal nodded "Yeah, he's there. "

me "Then help me. I can split my heart and give it to him. It could work."

Neal "The Underworld's for people with unfinished business, and that isn't me. That's why I'm not there. "

Me " Where are you? "

Neal "Someplace. Someplace where I'm happy. I only came here because I care about you, Echo. Stop what you're doing before it's too late. "

I shook my head "I can't. "

Neal nodded " I figured. But I had to try. "

Me "i love him, Neal. I can't lose him"

He nodded "i know"

Then he hugged me "I love you, Echo. Take care of yourself"

I nodded "i love you too, Bae"

He chuckled. 

Back in the real world.

I gasped awake. 

We were still on the Charon's boat. 

Emma "Echo, are you okay? "

David nodded " Yeah, you passed out. "

I nodded "Yeah. I'm fine."

 Mr Gold "Good. Because we're here. "


We walked in the boardwalk off the small boat and entered hell. Suddenly we were on Main Street back in Storybrooke. What the hell?

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