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Forest air would always be something Mäeth could not live without. Even if it had become poisoned due to the orcs settling across it, the forest was still a huge part of her, and it's creatures too. She might have gotten used to the dwarves and to a lot of their customs, but she could never get used to how they would hunt for animals so they could eat them. 

The poor creatures were not meant to be eaten, but to keep others company. She had tried to dissuade them from eating the animals, or to at least reduce it, but they would wave her off and had just kept on doing it.

They'd invite her to hunt parties, just because it was part of their culture, for she had only gone to three of them, throught all the years she had been in Ered Luin. It made her nauseous, how they made it a sport, to the point of not being able to answer Thorin's remarks about her face being green. 

But enough about the animal suffering, it was enough she was in yet another hunt once more. Mithrandir had graced her, finally, and had told her that they should leave in a few days. But not to Erebor, oh no. To the Shire.


Mäetharanel had been taking care of the greens she had cultivated in Dís garden, with the dam's permission. Speaking of her friend, she had called for Mäeth to go inside twice, at least. The silence inside the home meant Kili and Fili had gone out, probably to train with Dwalin, or to their uncle. The quiet environment felt good from time to time, and she sighed, happy.

When she got inside the house, Dís complained about her greens, immediatly. Unlike the elf, who smiled has soon as she picked the vegetables up, after cleaning her hands in the water basinet the dam had on top of the kitchen sink, the red haired woman had made an ugly face. Mäetharanel began lecturing her about how dwarves should consume more vegetables and fruits, and answer, as usual, had been a loud laugh.

Some time later, Dís had made bread with cheese, which Mäeth had gladly taken outside with a cup of fresh milk, when she felt a presence behind her. Calmly, she set the cup and the bread down, did not take her eyes of the book she had been reading, and slowly reached for the dagger she had hidden in her boot. 

So fast she had not been seen, the elf was holding the dagger up to the person's neck, but not for long.

"Mithrandir!?", Mäeth gasped, and put the dagger away from the wizard.

"I see you did not neglect your training, my friend", the wizard regarded her with a big smile, calm despite having had a blade to his neck.

"By the Valar, how glad I am to finally be in your presence!", said the princess while crossing her arms, "You have no idea how greatly I appreciate the fact that you have left me alone in here, for years. How grateful I am that you did not even send a letter!", her sarcasm did not wipe the smile from his face.

"My my, and here I thought you would be able to handle the dwarves on your own!", laughed the Grey.

"Well, I will have you know that we got along quite well", huffed the princess, "What news do you bring, Mithrandir? How is my father? My nephew?", the tall man gently pat her shoulder and sat by her side.

"They are very well. Legolas has grown into a very capable and intelligent elf. Your father spends more time in his home, thanfully. Poor Vendethiel wouldn't be able to handle her worry otherwise!", Mäeth smiled, her Vendethiel... She missed her so much.

"Very well. Now, what brings you here?", she raised an eyebrow.

"I have found the last member of the company", her other eyebrow went up and she drank a bit more of the milk, "It is Bilbo Baggins, a hobbit I hold very close to heart", she nearly spat the milk out.

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