13. Packing/Pre NY

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***Skipping ahead***
A/N: I felt that we should go ahead and get into this because I'm pretty excited to let everyone read it, so here we go.


April 2nd (The day before departure for New York).

Everybody that was joining me on this journey was frantically trying to get everything ready, today. It was 4pm, Thursday, April 2nd, and we had to board the plane early tomorrow morning. Dad was packing a few suitcases of his own, while mom was packing make-up bags, carry-ons full of food, and not one, but three, suitcases for just her clothes.

Nick was in his room upstairs packing. He only needed one suitcase for everything he planned on bringing, but he decided last minute on bringing his Xbox.

Yes, his Xbox.

His defense was he "needed entertainment". Which was fine, but we would be in New York for four days straight, and he thought he needed a game console to be pleased; but, that's none of my business.

Allie was with me in my room, helping me pack my stuff, since she had packed her own belongings at her house. After school today, she drove home to pick it up, and she drove back to my house.

I was literally going at it with my clothes. I was throwing everything I thought was somewhat attractive on to my bed, and Allie was giving it a second look, permanently deciding on whether or not to bring it. Most of my suitcase was full, while the whole top half of my bed was covered in piles of clothing.

"This is so frustrating." I said to myself, but loud enough for Allie to hear.

She chuckled. "What is?"

"Trying to figure out what to wear for the audition, and what to wear for like.. the whole trip. I'm bringing everything I can." I said, all while yanking a scarf out of the closet, and a shirt or two came with it on the way out. I grabbed arm fulls of clothing and dumped them on bed in front of Allie for a final check. She sorted through them, and folded half of them into the suitcase, while the other half rested in a pile, along with the others.

She then helped me pack my makeup, along with shoes and other accessories. I then grabbed my laptop, slid it into the laptop case, and lightly sat it in my carry-on bag and I let my charger rest on top of it. I looked around for other necessities and once I found them, I stuck them in little zip-lock baggies to put in my suitcase; my toothbrush, toothpaste, contact lenses, and my contact case, along with solution.

I dragged my suitcase behind me, as did Allie, and we went downstairs to put everything we had packed on the couch. Allie plopped down in the big chair, and I went into the kitchen to grab something to eat. I then heard the front door open, and Allie having a conversation with whoever it was. Soon enough, I heard Allie yell for me. "Beth, it's your baby!" She yelled, elongating her words.

Right after she yelled, Jamie waltzed into the kitchen, looking incredibly sexy. He had on a leather jacket, a tight v-neck, dark jeans, and Vans. His face had just been shaved, (I could tell), and his hair looked a little damp. "Did you just get out of the shower?"

He then ran both hands through his hair and shook it back and forth, letting drops fly everywhere. "Yeah." He smiled. "Don't worry, it'll look fluffy later, I'm sure." He joked, coming towards me. He engulfed me in his arms and kissed my head, even though my bun was in the way. He then held the nape of my neck and kissed me passionately as my hands rested on his forearms. As we were kissing, I felt a few droplets hit me square in the forehead. I pulled away and laughed.

"Alright, come here." I grabbed his hand and led him upstairs to the bathroom and shut the door. I plugged in my hair dryer and made him sit on the stool. "Have you ever used a hair dryer?"

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