Swords of Sephiroth's Bane (Cloud x Shulk(Fluff))

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Hollywill06 requested this and I have to say, I don't know much about Final Fantasy besides all the major plot points BUT, I do know the characters and the major events well enough to make this story. On top of that, this is more of a Final Fantasy VII kind of story with Shulk being happy go lucky, Cloud having a caring trait hidden behind his heroic demeanor, and Sephiroth being an asshole as usual, but not a ruthless killer kind of asshole. I really hope this is good. Enjoy!
Before he knew it, Cloud had already lost. He underestimated his opponent's strength, almost costing him his life. It was quite difficult to tell if he was using his full strength or not, not that it mattered in the end. Sephiroth was a challenger for sure.

It was a matter of time before he is killed, but it seems that it wasn't the time yet. Sephiroth just had to bind Cloud down. To make it worse, he needed some information from him before he decides to kill him. Much to Cloud's dismay, Sephiroth was merciless in getting it out of him.

For some time, Cloud was beaten and humiliated. Could've been as good as dead as he was at a disadvantage from the fight, but to be chained down and beaten further was an insult to him. Of course, he had to give Sephiroth whatever he needed.

I don't know how much more I can take this, but Shulk, if you can hear me, please...help me..., the last thought Cloud had before going unconscious. Sephiroth left the room when he noticed his body go limp from the beatings. He could finish him off, but he still needed more information.

...Shulk....help..., this was what Shulk have heard after weeks of looking for Cloud. He wasn't so sure why now, but he knew that his best friend needed him the most. The only question is, where could he possibly be.

Then it hit him, Cloud had told him he was going to confront Sephiroth in the Northern Cave. Being a bit forgetful in the heat of a search, Shulk sighed and started a long travel towards his friend's last location. As he went, he reflected on his friendship with Cloud.

It was a rather weird history between Shulk and Cloud's friendship. Mostly between Shulk's cheery personality and Cloud's sort of caring actions that sparked up a great relationship between them (both in friendship and feeling, if you know what I mean wink wink). Could be better if Cloud could just say what he really means, but showing it to Shulk is something that might as well mean how much he really trust him.

More or less, Shulk still want his best friend back, no matter how hard and/or long it may take. Desperately wanting Cloud to be safe, he cut down many foes in his path, along with any enemies working with Sephiroth who didn't tell him where and what he could possibly want from Cloud.

~~~Time skip~~~

After about a month of traveling and battling, Shulk came across the place where his best friend was last. Sure enough, he can sense Cloud's and Sephiroth's presence from within the cave. It didn't mean much at the moment, but he sensed only Sephiroth was moving, almost like his bestie was bound down in one place.

Getting eager to find Cloud, Shulk stepped into the rocky interior. The sheer thought of seeing his best friend filled him with excitement and glee. Though he didn't admit it, Shulk admire Cloud and somewhat developed feelings for him. Out of nowhere, he realized something about the cave he's in.

It was quite an unusual place for a fight as it doesn't seem like a normal cave, almost mystical in a sense. Might be some kind of barrier or something as there was an uneasiness, like someone tried to keep something out, most likely any monsters or enemies.
Any way he saw it, Shulk pressed forward.

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