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The quote at the end is an original 😊 enjoy this super short chapter! Haha.

And the picture above is my representation of Selena. #SorryNotSorry


"Who is he and why is he in my house?" My father said as he dropped his bags by the door. He came to a stride to stand in front of Justin and i. Justin put his hand out for a handshake. "I'm Justin sir. Justin Bieber." My father looked at his hand then up his body. Shit. He's not wearing a shirt. "Where the hell is your shirt, boy?" Justin blushed and looked down. "Uhm.."

I've never seen Justin at a loss for words. Not in interviews or podcasts or twit-cams or anything. He's always been so cool, calm and collected and he's always known what to say. But here he stands in front of my no good assfuck of a father. Speechless.

"His shirt is upstairs in my room where we were fucking around... Not that its any of your fucking business! Seeing as how I haven't heard from you in a lengthy amount of time! You have no room in my life or my heart to be back here in this house! You have no right! So thanks for stopping by daddy dearest, make sure that all your side hoes know that your fucking daughter says hi!" I yell at him. All of my pint up anger being released and damn does it feel good. My fathers face resembles a rip tomato. Yep. He's pissed. I take Justin's hand and pull him up stairs.

"Wait wait wait, what the hell was that?" Justin asks with a laugh. I pull him into my room and kiss him with a smile. He kisses back with a growl. I move his hands to my ass which he somehow manages to reach around my fatness. God. Every time i get something good in my life my weight gets in the way and in this sense i mean literally. How am i going to fuck him (not saying i am.. Yet) with this giant stomach jiggling about and shit. God. Just... Fuck.

"Pattycakes? Patty? DeRae?" Justin started snapping his fingers in front of my face. Shit i spaced again. "Are you okay? Did i do something wrong? Is it your dad?" Justin asked placing a hand on my waist and the other on the side of my neck to were his thumb was caressing my cheek.

"You know you can talk to me. Im always here." He whispered as he leaned in, capturing my lips with his he slowly moves us to my bed falling into place next to each other. I pulled away and looked into his chocolate eyes seeing the truth.

He actually has some sort of feelings for me. I can literally see love lust and a little of something else in there. In the back of his mind chewing away at him. He needs to get something off his chest. "You know you can talk to me also right?" I ask looking deep into his eyes. We stay like that. Staring at each other for what feels like forever. "Yeah?" His eyes start to get sad. "Tell me, please. I don't want to see you sad." I say moving closer to him to lay my head on his shoulder.

"Do you know about the whole me and Selena Jelena thing?" He says breathing a little harder. My heart stops and my fingers go numb. "Yes." I say scared for what comes next.

"She was my first everything and then she wasn't my anything and i was happy she was gone because she was always bring me down and controlling and at times abusive and i hate her so fucking much and i don't want to be apart of my life believe me but... She texted me the other night. She's pregnant. And i may or may not be the father because while she was with me she fucked some body else. Some guy she met when she was on tour. And to be honest i was happy she did. Gave me a reason. A reason to get the fuck out you know?" i just nod.

"But she wants me to be the father for financial purposes but i told her to fuck off so now she threatening to get the courts involved." He says. He sighs and lays back on my bed shaking his head.

I turn his head to me and peck his lips. "Everything thats dropped from a great height always falls into place."


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