Ch 3: The capture of Amy

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Amy was just walking around thinking about Sonic until she saw a Tails plushie lying on the ground

Amy was just walking around thinking about Sonic until she saw a Tails plushie lying on the ground

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Amy: Oh! What a cute doll I wonder who it belongs

Then behind the plushie she saw a note, it wrote: Listen to the music and follow it

Then Amy heard a music then she start to follow it

Later, she arrived at a cave and as she got closer the music got louder

Amy: Well the plushie said I must follow the music so let's go

As she entered, she saw a big red ring she got a bad feeling so she decided to leave but something blocked the way

It was the Tails plushie blocking the way

Amy: Oh sorry little plushie but I have to go

As Amy leaved, she felt something taking her leg

It was the Tails plushie pulling her leg tracking her to the red ring

Amy: Let me go you little plushie

The Tails plushie detransform into Tails doll

The Tails plushie detransform into Tails doll

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Tails doll: CoMe To mE!

Amy(scared): Let me go! Somebody help me

Amy was trying to run away but Tails doll was too strong

Tails doll: CAN......YOU........FEEL.......SUNSHINE!!!

Tails doll throw Amy to the big red ring and Amy screamed as Tails doll throw her

Tails doll: Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha Ha Ha Ha 

Tails doll look around if nobody was there and after he jumped into the big red ring

More further, Cream saw everything what happend and she start to get worried

Cream: Oh dear I must warn Mr Sonic now, Miss Amy could be a big danger

Cream leaved to warn Sonic to save Amy

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