Ch 6: Understand his world(Also Hide and Seek)

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Later, Amy was lying on Sonic.exe's bed feeling dizzy

Amy: Hummm! What happend, where am I?

Sonic.exe: I am glad you are finally woke up, how do feel?

Amy: Hum! Sonic why are you bloodied?

Sonic.exe: I am not Sonic my dear I am knon as Sonic.exe god of this world

Amy: Why Tails doll captured me? He trow me like it was nothing

Sonic,exe: Sorry he had troubles capturing people(In his head: I should sent Tails.exe instead)

Amy: Where's Sonic?

Sonic.exe Well I have to make you understand my world

Amy: Understand your world?

Sonic.exe: Yes! Understand my world I will show you how do we work and what are we doing the most

Amy: Let me guess, killing animals and killing people to be slaves

Sonic.exe:......(start to laugh or Exetior laugh)

Amy: What's so funny?

Sonic.exe: We did that before but now it's different

Amy: Really?

Sonic.exe: Yes! Now come, you will visit a little friend of mine

Amy: Okay!

Later, they got to Tails.exe's workshop

Sonic.exe: Hey buddy

Tails.exe: Hi Master what do you need? Who's your new friend

Sonic.exe: Well this is Amy my godness you know the girl I talk about when she is gonna be queen of the exe's

Tails.exe: Oh yeah the girl, well let me introduce myself

Tails.exe start to introduce himself to Amy

Tails.exe: I am knon as Tails.exe best friend to Sonic.exe, I am really smart and I am so happy you are gonna stay with us

Amy: That's nice(In her head: I hate this place but give Sonic.exe a chance he said he changed)

Tails.exe: So are you gonna stay and be Queen?

Amy: I don't know little fox I have to think okay

Tails.exe(sad): But I want you to stay because we need a queen, sometimes we get lost without a King and Queen, do you understand?

Amy: Yes I do, I will think okay

Tails.exe: Thank you(Hugs Amy)

As Tails.exe hug Amy, Amy felt happiness inside of Tails.exe she smiled and huged back

Sonic.exe: That's cute now me and Amy we must go to Green Hill to take a walk together

Tails.exe: Okay if you need something come and find me

Sonic.exe: Okay I will

Later, Sonic.exe and Amy was taking a walk into Green Hill but Amy felt uncomfortable

Sonic.exe: What's wrong my rose?

Amy: I feel weird

Sonic.exe: Weird about what?

Amy: I feel like that I am in Green Hill at home but it's red and there is dead animals

Sonic.exe: That's long time ago, now I want to change things

Amy: But your slaves are happy here right?

Sonic.exe: Not before because they thow I am evil but later they saw I was nice and wanted to protect them from someone

Amy: Yeah who?

Sonic.exe: I won't tell now maybe later okay

Amy: Okay!

As Sonic.exe and Amy walked, Sonic.exe got bored and wanted to play a game

Sonic.exe: Do you want to play a game?

Amy: Hum! Not Really

Sonic.exe: Okay let's play hide and seek

Amy: But...Okay why not

Sonic.exe: That's the spirit, now close your eyes

Amy close her eyes

Sonic.exe: Okay now count to 4

Amy: Okay.....1........2......3.......4!

Then Amy opened her eyes and exe was gone

Amy: Sonic.exe where are you?

Then she start to get worried

Amy: Okay Sonic.exe you are a great hider but where are you?

Then Amy saw Sonic on the edge of a mountain chiling

Amy(happy): Oh Sonic! Is it really you

Sonic dosen't respond, Amy wonders if he is okay

Amy: Sonic?

Amy got closer and closer and touches Sonic's arm

Sonic(?): Hey Amy what's wrong?

Amy: Oh Sonic! I thought you were gone forever

Sonic(?): Do you need something?

Amy: Yes it's because that....well Exe is really nice to me and Tails.exe it's like Tails but gray but Exe said he changed

Sonic(?): Really okay

Then Sonic detransform into Sonic.exe

Amy: Sonic.exe!!!

Sonic.exe: Wow I can believe you really like me


Sonic.exe(blushing): (smiles)

Amy(blushing):(smiles back)

Sonic.exe: Come on let's go back

Amy: Okay(Start to stick to Sonic.exe)

 Sonic.exe(blushing): (In his head: I like you my rose, stick with me and you will be happy with me)

Later, they arrived to Sonic.exe's meeting room during they got back Amy fell asleep in Sonic.exe's arms

Sonic.exe(blushing): You are so beautiful when you sleep my rose

Sonic.exe give Amy a kiss in the head and put her in his bed

Sonic.exe: Sweet dreams my rose

As Sonic.exe close the door, Tails.exe came

Tails.exe: Master! I need to talk to you

Sonic.exe: Yes! What is it?

Tails.exe: Well I wonder if I can capture Cream

Sonic.exe: Why do you want to that?

Tails.exe Because remember I told you that I love Cream

Sonic.exe: Yeah why? 

Tails.exe: Because I want her to be girlfriend

Sonic.exe: Fine but be careful okay

Tails.exe: Okay

Tails.exe leaved for getting Cream

Sonamy.exe Love story (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now