Ch 8: Tailream.exe

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Later, Cream was lying on Tails.exe legs feeling dizzy

Tails.exe(Blushing): (In his head: I love when you sleep on me it's adorable)

Cream start to wake up

Cream: What happened? Where I am?

Tails.exe: You are in my world Creamy

Cream: Hum! Don't call me Creamy

Cream start to get up

Tails.exe: Waterever you say Creamy

Cream: For the last time don't call me Creamy

Tails.exe: Okay! Fine

Cream: (Stays silence)

Tails.exe: So do you want to go my workshop?

Cream: Okay

As Tails.exe and Cream walk, Cream was thinking about Tails.exe

Cream: (In his head: I love Tails.exe but not full love he is just fine but he want to rush things I will give him a chance)

Tails.exe: Here we are

Cream: Oh!

Tails.exe: Come in! And ladies first

Cream(Blushing): Thank you!

Tails.exe: Welcome!

As they entered, Cream was amazed

Cream: Wow Tails.exe it's amazing I am impress

Tails.exe: Well if you want to be more impress, I plan a date just the two of us

Cream: But we just met!

Tails.exe: I know but I want to know you more

Cream: Um...okay

Later, Tails.exe and Cream start to walk at red Green Hill, Cream start to get a bad feeling

Tails.exe: What's wrong Cream?

Cream: I just feel I walk the same Green Hill from Home

Tails.exe: I understand you but could we sit at the edge

Cream: Okay!

Tails.exe and Cream sit  at the edge, Tails.exe try to stick to Cream but Cream stick back

Tails.exe(Blushing): !!!

Cream(Blushing): (Look at Tails.exe)

Tails.exe(Blushing): You know I want to tell you something

Cream: What is it?

Tails.exe(Blushing): I....I

Cream: ?!

Tails.exe(Blushing): I LOVE YOU!!

Cream(Blushing): !!!

Tails.exe(Blushing): Do you love me?

Cream(Blushing): I....I....I love you too but I..

Tails.exe: Then kiss me

Cream(Blushing): (Stays silence)

Tails.exe kiss Cream and Cream kiss back, while kissing Cream felt a liquid inside of her then transform into a Exe

exe kiss Cream and Cream kiss back, while kissing Cream felt a liquid inside of her then transform into a Exe

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P.s: Don't count the big shirt and the pants, just count her little dress(If you want to or you can count the big shirt and the pants)

Tails.exe(blushing): How do you feel?

Cream.exe: I feel different and in love

Tails.exe: That's the sprit!

Cream.exe: I was wrong to juge you, I am sorry

Tails.exe: It's okay I forgive you, always

Cream.exe(Blushing): Thank you!

exe(Blushing): Thank you!

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Sonamy.exe Love story (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now