Ch 4: Cream warn Sonic

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Cream run to Tails's workshop to warn Sonic

Cream: Mr Sonic!

Sonic: What is it Cream?

Cream: Miss Amy is captured

Sonic: By who?

Cream: Tails doll!

Tails(shocked): Tails doll a version of me

Sonic: Well a doll version of you

Cream: Anyway, can you save her please

Sonic: Of course she is my friend( In my head: my crush actually)

Cream: Thank you, thank you kindly 

Sonic: Before I go, do you have anything else to say?

Cream: Well, I think Tails doll is working for someone but I don't know who

Tails: (In his head: I wonder who Tails doll working with)

Sonic: Thank you Cream, now go home I will take care of this

Cream: Thank you Mr Sonic

Cream leaved to her house

Sonic: Now Tails, can you help me to get prepared

Tails: Okay Sonic!

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