Ch 9: The choice of Amy

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Later, Amy start to wake up from her nap there was Sonic.exe waiting Amy to wake up

Amy(start to wake up): Mmmm!

Sonic.exe: Are you awake my rose

Amy: Hum! Yes!

Amy start to get up

Sonic.exe: How do you feel?

Amy: I feel fine!

Sonic.exe: Okay(Hugs Amy)

Amy(Blushing): (stays silence)

Amy: Ummmm! Sonic.exe can I ask you a question

Sonic.exe(Still hugs Amy): Yes my rose, what?

Amy: Why did you capture me?

Sonic.exe: Because I want you to be my Godness and rule together

Amy: But I am not fit for a Queen how I rule this world

Sonic.exe: Your funny, come on I will show someone that will change your mind

Amy: ?!

Later, Sonic.exe bring Amy to the meeting room

Amy: Why are we here Sonic.exe?

Sonic.exe: Because we are meeting someone you know in love

Amy: Who?

Then Tails.exe and Cream.exe came out to the shadow's holding hands

Amy: Cr....Cre.....CREAM!!!

Cream.exe(Happy): Miss Amy!!!

Amy and Cream.exe huged really tightly

Amy: I missed you so much

Cream.exe: Me too

Amy: But how do you feel turn into an Exe?

Cream.exe: I feel great, Tails.exe help me to learn to accept here

Amy: But are you a slave?

Cream.exe: No! Tails.exe and I love each other and we are dating

Amy: But did he force you?

Cream.exe: Before yes! But I see in him that he is a good guy not evil

Amy: I...I don't know what to say

Cream.exe: Please Miss Amy stay and you will be happy with us

Amy: I....I will do it

Cream.exe: Thank you Miss Amy!(Hugs Amy)

Amy felt happiness inside of Cream.exe and hug back

Amy: Sonic.exe can I talk to you alone?

Sonic.exe: Of course my rose

Amy: Well see ya guys

Tails.exe and Cream.exe: Goodbye Amy!

Later, Sonic.exe and Amy got to Sonic.exe's room to talk

Sonic.exe: What do you want to say?

Amy: Thank you for showing me Cream that cheer me up and changed my mind

Sonic.exe: You see that's what I want to change things and also you don't need Sonic just like Cream don't need Tails

Amy: You are right!

Sonic.exe start to hug Amy really tightly

Sonic.exe(Blushing): Stay with me and you will be happy just like Cream

Amy: Yes Sonic.exe I do!

Sonic.exe: Good girl

Then Sonic.exe kiss Amy in the lips and Amy kiss back then while kissing Amy felt a cold liquid inside of her then transform into an Exe

exe kiss Amy in the lips and Amy kiss back then while kissing Amy felt a cold liquid inside of her then transform into an Exe

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P.s: Don't count her evil smile

Sonic.exe(Blushing): How do you feel my love?

Amy.exe(Blushing): I feel great my love

Sonic.exe: Ready to be Queen and rule with me?

exe: Ready to be Queen and rule with me?

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Amy.exe: Yes! Yes I do (Kiss in the lips)

Sonic.exe(Blushing): (Kiss Amy.exe)

Amy.exe(Blushing): (Kiss back)

exe(Blushing): (Kiss back)

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