Ch 5: Sonic to the rescue

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Later, Sonic was getting ready to save Amy but he need some tools

Sonic: Okay Tails what do I need to save Amy?

Tails: Well by my computer, it says that Tails doll entered in a giant red ring that goes...

Sonic: Goes where?

Then in Tails's computer there was an error, then a jumpscare of Sonic.exe came that made Tails scared of death

Sonic: Are you okay Tails?

Tails(scared of death): (breathing fast)

Sonic: What was that?

Tails: I don't know, I think it's a warning that you should not go to this place

Sonic: But I can't leave Amy, she could be in danger

Tails: Hum...Okay but it is the creepy ist place of all Mobius it takes risks

Sonic: Well I take alot of risks so it dosen't matter

Tails: I hate to break it but there are alot of evil spirits, bad dreams and bad illusions that loses their mind

Sonic: I will do it for Amy

Tails: Here I will give you this warp ring, it teleports you whaterever we go, but be careful: The gold means a good place, red means where Tails doll went and blue means a world not from Mobius

Sonic: Okay but one thing

Tails: Yes?

Sonic: What is the place that Tails doll went?

Tails: By my calculations, I think it's th exe's world

Sonic: Hum! That's a world I never heard before

Tails: Okay! Are you ready Sonic?

Sonic: Yes I am 

Tails: What are you gonna do when you get there?

Sonic: Beat Tails doll(maybe) and save Amy

Tails: Okay now go to your mission

Sonic: Yes Tails!

Then Sonic leaved to save Amy

Later, Sonic found the location(by Tails of course), that is the cave then Sonic trows his warp ring that suddenly turns red

Sonic: Alright! Here I come Amy

Then Sonic jumps into the red warp ring

Sonamy.exe Love story (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now