c h a p t e r - t w e n t y - t h r e e

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3 months later,

"Suho! Are you serious?!"

"Erm, geurae. I need to go for 2 months. C'mon, it's not like we haven't been apart before"

"This is not about us. This is about Star! You're going to Beijing for 2 months, abandoning your ill daughter here?"

"I told you, she's a burden. Aish, you're making yourself looking so pathetic right now"

"Kim Junmyeon! She's your daughter, can't you just hold the trip? 2 months, Suho. Your daughter is going for her therapy for 3 months already. Just stay for 2 months more. Star needs you. Don't go just like that"

"Yes, yes. First, Dash had dyslexia. Now, Star got a lung cancer. Both our kids are burden, love"

"Don't call me love if you're going to say our kids are burden"

"Huh. Geurae. Anyway, I'm still going to Beijing because I'm not planning on cancelling my flight"

"Kim Jun.."

I cursed as he slammed the door, leaving the villa. I sat on the bed, throwing everything away. I looked at the bracelet around my wrist, my tears dropped. I removed the bracelet, putting it back into its' box. Suho gave me warning about our relationship, I shouted. Our relationship is like trash. I called Irene, asking her to bring the kids to her house. I need to see Taeyeon to talk about this. I took my phone and handbag, driving my car towards the Kims' manor. I smiled as I saw Jiyong playing with his kids.

"Oppa, is unnie here?"

"Yes, want me to call her? Wait"

"Ah, no. I mean, it's okay. I will go to the library"

Kim Library,

I opened the door and saw Taeyeon looking at her bookshelf. I made some sounds to distract her. She looked up and greeted me as our eyes met. I took the seat in front of her, looking at the books on the table. Oh, it's an album. Kim Album. I saw Suho's pictures too. What happened to them that made Taeyeon to look at these old albums? I looked at the pictures. Taeyeon, Suho and Namjoo dyed their hair blonde. Oh, so cute. Suho is still the tallest in the pictures. They look so cute together. I heard Taeyeon sighed.

"Gwenchana, unnie?"

"Oh, nae. Why are you here?"

"Oh, yes. You know about Star having lung cancer, right?"

"Yes. Why? Did something happen?"

"Star is still going for therapies, but.. Suho said she's wasting his time and Star is nothing but a burden to him"

"Ah, that pabo. I didn't expect him to change so early about this"

"Wae? What do you mean?"

"It happen after mom's death. He changed 100 %. I know you don't understand. Suho is having a trouble in adapting with people with cancer. It made him thought of our mom. He acted like that because he's afraid he will make mistake. He's worried if he kept thinking of Star, she will leave him too. You can't talk to him about this. It will make him angry"

Oh, he's on his way to Beijing after all. "I see. Can anyone heal it? I mean, it's like he's traumatized right?"

"Yes. Aish, that pabo is really burdening me and Namjoo. He can't be like this just because we're doctors. It's not like me and Namjoo going to stick with him 24/7. We have our husbands and kids too. We have our patients too in the hospital"

"I know. But, he's already going to Beijing and he will stay there for 2 months. He got no mercy at all"

"What?! Beijing at this state of his daughter's health? He's really a pabo. Never mind, I'll call him. You can go home first"

"Nae, unnie. Gomawo"



I slammed the door of the villa, hard. I saw my kids looking shock as our eyes met. I met Star's sparkling and round eyes. I turned my head and looked away. I felt guilty for doing my kids like this. I threw my jacket to the sofa and went upstairs. Huh, she told Taeyeon about this. I opened the door and saw Chorong in front of her computer. I sighed as I walked in, closing and locking the door. She looked up, our eyes met. She stood up and walked to me. What's happening to me? Why didn't I feel excited when my wife walked to me? I looked at her watery eyes.

"Why'd you do that? Noona called me"

"I know. Star is your daughter, honey. About Dash.. we can teach him right?"

"Love, look. I can't. I'm busy. I don't have enough time to pay attention to the kids. I know, it's only 5 months for us to get back, but.."

"Sign this"

I went speechless as I saw the paper in Chorong's left hand. Divorcement letter. I looked at her in disbelief. She looked as if she's trying so hard to hold her freaking tears. I took the paper and threw it on the bed. Before she could take the paper back, I hugged her. I heard her crying, I caressed her hair, asking her to stop crying. She's going too far, I can't let her go. I still love her. She broke the hug, took the pen and signed the paper. I was shocked with her action. She wanted me to divorce her. Our eyes met.

"Divorce me"

"Love, we have no reason to do this"

"Yes, we have. You don't care about the kids and I'm going back to London. Let's just send the kids to orphanage. That's the only way before our relationship turn worse"

"No, I'm not doing it. We.. will go together for Star's therapy? Just.. please don't ask me to divorce you. I can't do this, baby. I love you, I really love you. I don't want to let you go even if I have to. Please, I don't want to divorce you, baby"

I took the paper and tore it into small pieces. She seems shocked with my action. I looked away, I can't believe I'm being a coward in front of the woman I loved the most. I looked back at her, caressing her hair. Our situation seems intense right now. I heard knocking sound on the door. I opened the door and saw the kids. I took them into my arms, 4 of us sat on the bed. Star walked to Chorong instead of me. I smiled bitterly and put Dash in my arms.

"Star? You don't want to sit with daddy?" Chorong asked.

"Ani. I don't want to sit with a father that said his daughter is a burden"

"Star, I'm sorry. I promised I won't do it again. I will come for your therapy"

"Geotjimal jaengi. You should just go to Beijing. I'm burdening you, right?"

"Star, don't talk to your daddy like that. Say sorry right now"

"Sorry, daddy" Star replied slowly. She was still in Chorong's arms. I gave a bitter smile.

"Go to sleep. You kids must be tired"

"Okay, mummy" Star and Dash replied in sync.

The kids left the room, leaving both of us. I sighed, I felt the guilt of doing this. I went to the bed and lied down. I pulled Chorong closer, hugging her. We talked about random things as we cuddled each other. I caressed her hair, thinking of so many things. I don't want to lose her. Am I doing the right decision for not divorcing her? God, she's really determined. I sighed, looking at my wife who was already asleep. What if.. this is really the end of our relationship? Is divorcement the solution for us? I kissed Chorong's forehead and lied down beside her. I kissed her cheeks and gave a peck on her lips. I smiled as I looked at the angelic face of my wife.

"I love you, wife. I promised I won't let you go ever again. I promised you, wife. I really love you"

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