Last Time.

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The sofa was growing uncomfortable and I was glad that I had stubbornly insisted on sleeping on it and Shayne not sleeping on it. It wasn't fair.

"Maybe it's the gym," He commented as he walked to me and handed me his smoothy so that I could have a sip.

"Maybe." He couldn't know that it hurt because I still had a night to go and he would put his foot down. The gym would be a good reason and he could know after.

"Why don't we just lay on my bed and watch stuff? I can put my laptop on the end of the bed." I nodded and we walked through. His laptop in his hand and I handed his smoothy back before laying down. His bed was so comfortable.

"What do you want?" I closed my eyes to think and just shrugged.

"Nothing scary because I am in no mood for that. A mindless movie, the type you don't have to think about." He tapped away and then laid back on his bed. I snuggled closely and placed my head on his chest as well as a hand. His hand moved and played with my hair, his hands would occasionally meet my back and tickle me. It felt so good.

His phone ringing brought me from my tired state as the movie passed me by. He picked it up and paused the movie before speaking.

"Hey, Courtney. Hey, no. I still work from home. No, it is my last day today but filming can begin as soon as I get in. I know, I filled it all in and they can be used but don't get me wrong. I wouldn't be doing that if I were you. Okay, bye. Talk later." He hung up and laid down again and pressed play with his foot before wrapping both arms around me. They linked at my waist.

"If you need to work you can," I grumbled but he was able to respond quickly.

"No. My last day with you won't be ruined by some work. Besides, I never work today anyway. I work five days a week but I picked those days ages ago. I am in tomorrow and then off the day after. I can help you then if you want." I shook my head and held closer to him.

"Just cuddle me." He did exactly that as the movie rolled on. It was an awful movie and I couldn't see how he even thought to pick it. "Shayne." He didn't seem to expect me to speak or he was asleep.

"Yeah Aphie?" He sounded a little sleepy.

"This movie is crap. I don't know why you picked it but we should just stop." He just grunted to agree and I crawled over to the laptop and closed the screen down.

"Oh, okay. Sorry, I forgot you were in shorts." I was a little embarrassed but I was too tired to care enough to turn red.

"Don't act like you don't like it." I jokingly hashed out before getting to my knees and crawling back up to him. I pulled the covers back and got under them but as I was laying down I kissed his cheek and returned my head to his chest and my hand was back to where it was. My left leg hooking up and wrapping up in his. My knee was across to his other hip.

"You don't need anything do you?" It was like he felt he had to ask me for some reason but I couldn't tell why.

"No thanks." As I said this his left hand moved to wrap under me properly and rest on my hip while his right hand met my upper thigh and butt where he pulled me closer against him. It was a cuddle that I enjoyed.

Lips met my head and my sleepy body hit into a mode no man had managed to achieve so quickly. I was comfortable with him and that should have made me uncomfortable but it didn't. He was just who I needed.

Slowly my eyes fluttered open as I felt my eyes hit the darker room. The sound of rain hit my ears and the light wasn't on so the house was very dark but as I checked my watch it lit up and told me I had only been asleep for half an hour. When I put my hand back down Shayne reacted and both of his hands got tighter around my body. A comfortable and sensual squeeze but he was asleep so had no clue about it so I just watched the walls as they showed the little sun that did come through as rain was cast onto the wall like a projector.

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