Chapter 10 (Part One of.... Something)

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  • Dedicated to Whovians everywhere =)8

"Will they be coming soon?" An impatient voice in the dark hissed. "I am ssso hungry! I need human flesh!"

"Patience, my precious," another voice cooed, soothing the first's discontent, "The Doctor will come soon enough; and his companions will make nice little snacks."

"And the Great One will rise once more!" a third voice chattered excitedly.

"Yes, yes," the second voice chuckled, "and I will exact my revenge! Then, the Doctor will regret ever looking at my family!"

"How will we do it?" the first voice asked.

"First," the second began, "We'll need to capture the Doctor and steal his regenerations. Then, we'll use it to reincarnate the Great One's soul into a new body and after that, you can have whatever human the Doctor brought with him, but you'll leave the Timelord to me."

"And what of the TARDIS?" the third voice asked.

"We will use it to retrieve my family and then to go back to Earth, where you and your race shall feed for as long as you like!" the second replied.

"Why do you request such a small price for helping us retrieve our goddess?" the first voice asked.

"Revenge has been the only thing on my mind since the accursed Doctor threw me into that collapsing galaxy," the second voice sneered, "and I've had plenty of time to decided what I'm going to do to him in return."

Sunlight entered the dark cave as two black, furry creatures scuttled into the shadows, hissing. The third, a pudgy sort of woman, with brown hair and an evil glint in her brown eyes; the woman smiled wickedly as she thought of the pain she'd inflict upon the man who gave her family their wish, yet made the eternity a living Hell.


*Chris' POV*

"Hold it!" the Doctor called as I threw on my jacket and began heading to the TARDIS door. I stopped as the Doctor flipped a few switches, "Hmm. Atmosphere's safe, the land's barren, no signs of any danger." he mumbled, staring at the screen intently.

"Then let's go!" I said impatiently, nearly bouncing on my heels. I was raring to go explore somewhere new, especially since it was on an entirely different planet.

The Doctor was quiet for a moment before smiling. "Alright then, let's go!" he walked to stand in between me and the door, "but, be careful. I don't want to send you home with a broken bone, or an alien disease, or something. Understood?"

"Capisco," I grinned.

"Good," the Doctor said with a nod as he opened the TARDIS doors and stepped outside. He waited a moment before motioning to me that it was safe to come out. With an excited shudder, I stepped outside. The air was chilly as I looked out in wonder at the purple ground with nothing but rocks and the yellow sky filled with stars and 17 moons.

"So, Christy," the Doctor grinned, outstretching his arms, "What do you think?"

"It's- it's- wow, just- wow," I laughed, twirling around looking everywhere I could, "Is it night time?" I asked, pointing to the moons.

"Dunno," the Doctor shrugged, looking around with a relaxed grin. Suddenly, his eyes grew wide and fearful. I didn't know what brought this sudden change, but I didn't really have time to dwell on the matter either. "Get down!" he yelled, tackling me to the ground as a huge boulder flew past me and hit the TARDIS. The Doctor held my arm as dozens more boulders flew past us to the TARDIS. "No!" the Doctor yelled as the TARDIS wheezed and faded away without us while the boulder rain stopped. The Doctor began muttering in a strange- but, vaguely familiar- language as he grabbed a small phone-like gizmo from his pocket and began tapping it.

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