Chapter 10

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Third Person POV

Taehyung was soon at Jungkook's house again for the third time this week. He had stayed the night as he was scared to be alone in his house. His parents were in Japan and they left Taehyung once again.

So now it was three in the morning and Luna had just got the house late again, with a bruised eye. She had went to sleep right away as she had to be up in three hours to go back to work.

But that's when Jungkook had heard someone open the door to his house again. He didn't want to wake up Taehyung just incase he was imagining something. So he found a pan that was on the floor from his and Taehyung's nerf war that happened earlier, and held it the bat. He walked to the kitchen and he saw a small woman walking around. She turned around.


She had fell unconscious as Jungkook hit her right in the forehead and that's when Taehyung had woken up and ran to the kitchen looking for Jungkook.

"Call the cops" he said as the Jungkook tried to tie the women up. That's when Luna woke up and walked into the kitchen, "Jungkook what's going on here?" She said sleepily, still hasn't opened her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she ran towards the girl, making Jungkook surprised.

"Untie her you Pabo!" She said trying to wake the girl up but the girl wasn't waking up any time soon. So Jungkook untied her and Luna carried her to the couch. She brought her a pack of iced peas and put it on her forehead.

"Luna, who is that?" Jungkook asked as she sat on the couch. Luna sighed.

"This Jungkook, is Lee Gahyeon," she said as she rubbed her temples, "she a friend from work. She the reason why I've been coming home so late. Her ex-boyfriend is abusive and won't leave her alone. So when she told me about him I told her I would stay at her house so if he ever came back she wouldn't get hurt. But that boy is stubborn so he came ever night, he always tried to get me out the way. But I took those classes with you for a reason. The boy's crazy but he isn't strong."

"But that doesn't explain why you came home with your arm broken and a black eye. You said he was weak." Jungkook said confused.

"When I came home that one day with my arm broken he came with a gun. I had fought him off but he landed a punch on me, that's how I got the black eye. So when I tried to get Gahyeon out of the house he tripped me and I fell on his gun and broke my arm."

"Oh that explains a lot," he said. That's when Gahyeon started to regain consciousness.

"Luna! LUNA!" She said scared as she started crying, trying to reach for her.

"Shhhhhh Gahyeon, I'm right here you don't have to worry," she said bring the crying girl into her embrace.

"He won't leave, he won't," she said as she was trying to calm herself. "He's right in front of my apartment every single second of the day. He won't leave!" She said crying even harder as she couldn't keep her cries in. "I barely got to your house without him finding me!"

"Shhhh it's ok it's ok," Luna said calming the girl, "you can stay at my house for as long as you want,"

Gahyeon looked up at her with her tears eyes, "Really?"


"Thank you thank you thank you," she said hugging Luna tighter than before.

When Gahyeon finally calmed herself, she and Luna went out to buy close for her, since they weren't going back to the apartment as long as he was there. Now Taehyung and Jungkook were home alone cuddling.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung said as he lifted his head from Jungkook's chest.


"Why doesn't your aunt report the man? Then she didn't have to stay late." Taehyung asks.

"One, because she obviously likes her but she won't admit that. Two, because she doesn't trust the police anymore."


"Well, do you remember when I was still getting bullied?" Which earned a hum in response from Taehyung, "since the school didn't want to do anything because they don't want they're school 'bully free zone' mato to get ruined. We tired to get the police to do something but they didn't do anything either, they said we needed proof to which one day we came in with my arms and ribs broke and pictures of scars on my body but they just laughed at us. 'How do we know princess over here didn't do it to you' they had said to Luna. They said if we ever came back they would report Luna for child abuse. So she never trusted them again."

"Hey, there just as*holes, I promise that someone hurts you again they will pay." Taehyung said as he wipped Jungkook's tears that were unconsciously coming down his checks.

"Thank you," he whispered to Taehyung as he pulled him into a big hug and they just stayed cuddling.

"Wait a minute," Taehyung said as he pulled away from Jungkook's embrace. "How do you know Luna likes Gahyeon?"

"Duhhhh Taehyung, it's obvious she doesn't like people around her, let alone someone who is clinging on to her nonstop," Jungkook said. At that moment Luna walked in.

"What you say about me?" She asked.

"Jungkook was talking about how you like Gahyeon," Taehyung said calmly to which earned him a hit from Jungkook. Jungkook was then attached by a crazy Luna while Taehyung was laughing at the scene and Gahyeon was standing there blushing.

"Come on, Luna, help me get my close from the car" Gahyeon said as she tried to get her off of a panting Jungkook. She walked away glaring at both boys. And then both boys continued cuddling.

I didn't proof read so if somethings wrong or doesn't make sense. Put whatever you think it is in there. Thank u💜💜💜. I'll never forget u five readers💜💜💜💜

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