The Soul rings

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Today was the day that the little demon, Damian Wayne would turn 15 and receive his ring tattoo, his soul ring. But Damian wanted to sleep for his birthday, the ring wouldn't even show up till midnight,so why get up?
"Demon! Get the fuck up! We have celebrating to do!" Jason Todd yelled from down stairs. Jason had found out that Barbra, Yes Barbra, was his soulmate. They were all shocked. But now they were dating and Dick was still pushing a marriage.

Damian cursed in Arabic and got up. He looked down at his ring finger, it had a glow to it. Now or never, right? He silently asked the rind that was forming with every second that ticked by. Weaving it's own little pattern, right now it was white but it would be a color that would lead him to his soulmate.  Who ever they are.

"Happy birthday!" His family and friends yelled as soon as he stepped into the living room. His nephew, James, Tim and Stephanie's son ran to him.
"Uncle Damian! Can I see it, can i see it?!" He asked, Damian rolled his eyes but did as the 4 year old asked and showed him the ring. 
Ooo's and aw's were sarcastically and amazingly said at it continued to weave. Through out the party story's of their soulmate fiascoes and stupid attempts to 'woo' their partners were exchanged as the day soon became night.
"Everyone! It's almost 12:00! And you know what that means." Dick and a very pregnant Kori yelled and everyone turned to Damian.
Seconds ticked by and finally the ring was complete! A bright light filled the room and when it went out, the little ring was glowing a bright, happy, loving pink.
"This means that your soulmate is a loving caring person that is always filled with happiness, Damian, how the hell is that angel your soulmate?!" Jason laughed but was soon punched by Barbra.
"This is good dami. This means they'll love you no matter what!" Jon said happily.
"Father?" Damian question seeking advice.
"When you find them, never let them go."

Marinette was extremely happy when the day came for her soul ring to appear and she could already fell it forming on the ring finger.
She had had a bad year at school. Lila did what she promised to do, she drove all Marinettes friends away saying how Mari had made fun of them and 'little old Lila, the angle' and they all turned on her.
Chloe, Nathaniel, Kim, Luca, Kagami, Alex, and Max were the only ones who believed Marinette and Chloe began to be a little over protective of her.
Nino, Julka, rose and Adrian didn't choose a side because they didn't want to hurt the people they loved, but the rest hated marinette and her friends.
Alya became Lila's right-hand girl for everything and Lila 'promised' to put in a good word for her 'BFF' ladybug. Please. The only people that actually knew who ladybug is was Chloe, Kagami and master Fu who had taken a liking to the two girls and permanently gave them their miraculous.
Chloe and Kagami found out that they were soulmates and were extremely happy but their rings were multiple colored so that ment they had a missing piece. Two weeks later Marinette introduced them to Luca and Chloe, Kagami and Lucas rings finally turned gold. They have been together since.Marinette was treated like the trios daughter and they never let the liar near her.
Marinette ran to the trio, "let mamma Chlo-chlo see that ring!" Chloe demand as soon as the little Bluenette appeared. They all gathered around the ring that was yet to be made.
"I just know it's going to be Beautiful, and I bet your soulmate is to." Luca smiled at her.
"Yours will be like a snowflake or a fingerprint, the only one of its kind but also identical to his or hers." Kagami stated with so much wisdom in her voice, no wonder Master Fu liked her so much.
" €1000 says it a hot guy!" Chloe yelled with a smirk.
"Oh Marinette, can I see your soul ring?" Lila, the devil her self, asked with a huge, ugly, evil smile on her face. Alya was right next to her, like always.
"Sure, why not." Marinette huffed as Lila and Alya examined the unfinished tattoo.
"Oh marinette, it's so very lovely! I bet they love fatty foods.Did you know that Damian Wayne is my soulmate?" At the question she almost yelled it so everyone could hear. They all came crowding around her to her the story of how they met, every word from her probably was another lie.

As soon as school ended that day all marinettes friends went over to the bakery to have a party before the ring appeared.
Marinette, of course, was secretly hoping it was Adrian. Adrian had gotten a blue ring, blue like Marinettes eyes.



Her finger glowed brightly and finally it was complete. It was beautiful! A dark green, almost black, color was graceful tattooed on her ring finger.
"What does it mean?" She asked them, all their faces were in shock.
"They are handsome,smart and strong. But they have a dark past." Sabine said with a happy but motherly smile.

"......told you they were going to be hot!"
Nino threw the money to Chloe, angerly.
"Thank you~"

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