Recall and Recycle

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As the Osprey landed at Site-87, O5-1 and O5-4 was waiting for them to land. Once they did, they approached the now landed Osprey, accompanied by some Alpha-1 MTF guards.

Things were a lot harsh as they saw both Ross and Adrian. Cut up, bruised, and extremely dirty.

"Get these two the medical wing. Now!"

"O5-1, we were unable to retrieve the package."

"I understand that. We know we're it's going next. We put a tracker on it, and it looks like it's going to be... oh my..."


"It seems to be at Site-43, Sigma Branch."

"Huh. SCP Site I presume?"

"Yes. O5-4! Prepare Operation Enigma!

"Operation Enigma?"

"Yes. We will be sending Black Ops to Site-43. Hopefully they have evacuated already. We will be sending you and Ross with Attack Force Charlie this time."


After the first Ospreys landed, Attack Force Charlie and Delta split up into the deep bowels of Site-43. Adrian was with a another guy, Mason, the two were checking for any signs of a hostile invasion.

"Mason... you see anything?"

"Nope. Nothing."

"You sure I can see-"

Then, he noticed that Mason was dead, then, a knife was right on his throat.

"Look here, I don't want to slit your damned throat, so tell me who you are."

Looking on the side, he saw that this was one of the Black ops, and they were also a girl.

"Damnit! I'm on your side! I'm Adrian Shephard for God sake, get off me!"

"Adrian? Wait..."

The person then let go on the stranglehold she had on Adrian. Then she removed her balaclava, and night vision specs.



"Oh my God... I'm so sorry. I couldn't see who you were."

"You're with Black ops? Why?"

"They needed me for the mission. Ghost just couldn't do it, besides, he's still recovering after that shitstorm last time. And I have better stealth equipment, all of them had died while I stayed in the shadows."

"Wow... really?"

"Yeah, then you know I got paranoid, and killed who I saw. Then, well this."

"Well... at least you found me, lets get outta here."

Both Chara and Adrian followed each other to find the rest of the team, not until the saw even more dead bodies. Most of them have been slashed open, not until they saw her again, she appeared to have not fallen to HATE, but now, she knew what to expect.

"Well, well, isn't it the hero and his damsel in distress. What brings you back to me? That stupid vial."

It then seemed that they were cornered, but, to all luck, Ross, came out from a room, weapon drawn, and shot a round right though her chest.

"I recommending running, now."

Both Chara and Adrian Ran for the Exit, not until blocked by Betty.

"You really think I'm gonna let you get out of my grasp that easily? HA!"

Then, fate decided to bring a fourth player, Kitten. It seemed to Adrian something or someone was bringing him hope or despair.

 It seemed to Adrian something or someone was bringing him hope or despair

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"Greetings. My name is Kitten. And it appears that your in trouble."

"What? That's impossible! You shouldn't be here."

"It seems that a certain man in a suit brought me here to save a certain man with a gas mask."

Then, time appeared to stop, Kitten's Katana had a purple glow, Betty was prepared to strike down her, and Chara was getting out her pistol. All time around Adrian stopped, and then, the man in the suit, G-Man appeared.

"Corporal Shepard... We meet again."

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