Climaxing Threat

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They were just about to board the Osprey, when a unknown object hit the rotor, which in turn, caused the Osprey to explode. Adrian and the others were hit by the blast, which sent them flying.

After a few seconds, he found himself near the room the activate the Alpha Warheads. He only 30 seconds to stop the detonation.

He went inside the room, and saw the button, staggering to it, he was able to get to it and stop the detonation.


He then tried finding any survivors, it seemed that only he, Chara, Ross and Kitten survived the blast. Betty was nowhere to be seen. She must had escaped, thought Adrian.

The next thing he could do was call for a medical evacuation.

"Any station, any station! This is Corporal Adrian Shephard, I'm at LZ 223 and require-"

His message was cut short by a paintbrush. He was then knocked out again.

When he woke up again, he was found by some MTF operatives apart of Attack Force Foxtrot. Everyone that they could find, were medically evacuated to Site-01.

Adrian looked back before they loaded him and the others, no vial. It was gone, again.

The Osprey then closed its tail hatch, and lifted off, the commander then talked into his radio.

"Affirmative command. Looks like that Attack forces Charlie and Delta were taken out. Only 3 survivors sir."

"Copy that, we got Adrian, Chara, and a third survivor. Black shirt, skirt, red scarf, black hair and a... katana? Yes sir, a Japanese bladed weapon. Don't believe she was on the mission roster."

"Begin inculcation? Affirmative. Just the new girl."

The last thing Adrian remembered, was Kitten being injected with something. Then... nothing.

He woke up in a room, it was a medical bay, the doctor next to him looked at him funny.

"Sir! He's waking up!"

Adrian then saw the face of O5-1. He seemed both mad and sad at the same time.

"Adrian... I understand your troubles. I'm not exactly happy about all of this tomfoolery, but we seem to run into lots of trouble getting SCP-4622 back. Don't worry, I'll make sure that you can get it this time."

He heard everything O5-1 said. He blacked out again.

— January 4, 2020 —

It's been days since Adrian blacked out. He woke up that he was now in a different room. No more IV drips, or oxygen tanks. He was bandaged up, and now had a scar on his eyebrow. He hadn't shaved in a while, so he got up from his bed, and rolled off the bed and onto the ground.

"Oh FUCK!"

"Sir, you really need to stay in bed."

"Just help me get up, goddamnit!"

"Uh... Yes sir..."

Adrian was now propped up to see where he was. It was the Foundation Medical Recovery room. Standing at the doorway was a security guard.

 Standing at the doorway was a security guard

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"Huh... And I thought I had a rough morning."

"Who the hell are you, and what the hell is going on?"

"Whoa bud. You were given targeted amnestics. Do you remember your name, mission and people you know?"

"Uh... I'm Adrian Shephard, I have to recover a reality-destroying vial, and I worked with some girls, one of them Chara, and Betty.

"Good, do you remember your last mission?"

"Nope. Don't remember shit."

"Ok then. The rest of your guys have already left. They have been asking me questions for days."

"What is your name? I swear, you look familiar."

"Ulgrin. Agent Ulgrin. Security detachment Alpha-7."

"Yup... what's up Ulgrin?"

"Just watching your sorry ass. O5 has been on my tail about you and wants to make sure your ready for your next mission."

"Alright. Where's Joseph?"

"He's been sent to O5 to deal with the shitstorm that's going on at Site-19. It's been one hell of a shitstorm alright."

"How? And what kind of shit are we talking about?"

"All sorts of shit. They just found out that this was the work of the Chaos Insurgency. They were apparently working with some skeleton, named... uh... shit I don't remember, but he got away with the vial, and the Chaos Insurgency destroyed years of research at Site-43. Joe has been in and out, he's been working with recovery crews, and trying to pick up the pieces, and figure out what the hell happened."

"Wow... that's insane."

"Plus, we found out that that Betty was a former Foundation double agent."

"Wait, you're telling me that girl is a spy?"

"Yup. Tough luck bud. But, well... we had just reinstated her. Have fun."

Walking into the doorway, was two girls, one with brown hair, and one with brown hair, but with pink hair tips. Both wearing black clothes, comparable to those of the female Black Ops of Black Mesa, and wearing balaclavas, which were also black.

"Hey... Ulgrin, you sure this ain't Black Ops?"

"Heh. Looks like Black Mesa got to your head."

"Hey dumbass, I WAS at Black Mesa."

"Hey Adrian, we missed ya."

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