Chapter 4: Team RWBY decides to take a vacation to Spooky Island

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In Vale, Ruby was walking down a sidewalk looking down. She sighs and pulls out a photo that her, the rest of Team RWBY, and Mystery Inc. took before the split two years earlier. They had just defeated The Phantom Virus and Bill McLemore, the man who created the virus, was captured and arrested. The two teams and Eric went to a Malt Shop to celebrate. 

"Why did you guys have to split up? Especially when Shaggy tried to keep the gang together using a food themed comparison?" Ruby whispers to herself 

After a long time of walking, she finds a few dropped brochures to a place called 'Spooky Island' and she reads them

"Hmmm......sounds like a great vacation spot. I should probably tell the others. We really need a vacation." Ruby said as she put the photo in her pocket and walked off


Ruby manages to find Weiss, Blake, and Yang outside a noodle stand.

"Hey, girls, check this out. I found a place for a vacation." Ruby said handing them the brochures

" 'Spooky Island. The Frightfully Popular Spring break spot for all types of students.' " Blake says. "That tagline sounds kind of cheesy but reading through the rest of this brochure, it sounds like a decent spot for a vacation." Blake adds

"Anywhere that sounds good to Ruby sounds fine to me." Yang says

"Guess i'll go as well.There's nothing wrong that seems to be about the place." Weiss said

"Then let's pack what a we need to and go." Ruby said as she smiled


Team RWBY were packing things such as clothes, food, and other stuff.

"Any luck contacting any Mystery Inc. member other than Shaggy and Scooby, Ruby?" Yang asks

"Sadly, not yet, Yang." Ruby answers

"Well, maybe by sheer luck, they will all be going to this island as well." Yang says

"I hope so...." Ruby replies.

TO BE CONTINUED IN "Chapter 5: What has Mystery Inc. been up to?"

A/N: Sorry if this chapter was a bit short. I sort of just made up the idea for this chapter and what I wrote for it on  the spot. Hopefully, with what I am gonna include in the next chapter, the next chapter will be longer

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