Chapter 5: What has Mystery Inc. been up to?

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In an airport, we see Fred wearing a blue jacket and sunglasses along with a backpack with clothes and whatnot n it. He seems to be carrying a book and a Spooky Island brochure. While walking, he takes off his sunglasses and bumps into Velma.

"Fred?" Velma asked

"Velma? Are you going this way?" Fred replies

Velma nods in response

"How have you uh...." Velma started

"been?" Fred finishes

"Yeah." Velma replies

"Great, great. I'm on the lecture circuit for my new book. 'Fred on Fred: The Many faces of Me.'." Fred says as he shows Velma said book

The book had a cover that had two pictures of Fred's face


We see Fred on a stand with a ghost mask next to him on a maniquin head.

"and in Chapter 7, I detail how the Back Knight Ghost was no supernatural phenomenon. But a cowardly, yet ingenious, man in a mask. I induced this from noticing a detail a man of a lesser intelligence would ignore" Fred said

He then spun the head showing the back of the mask had a zipper on it.

"A zipper. In the back of the head!!" Fred said as he spun it back around


"A book tour? Jinkies, that's impressive." Velma said in response even though her face would say otherwise.

"And yourself?" Fred asks.

"I've been working at NASA. Developing hydro-powered missile defense systems. But most importantly, I am on a journey of self discovery." Velma said

As we are about to see, what Velma just said is a fabricated lie to cover up what she was really up to


We see Velma and a group of other people in a room with rather odd looking black and white pictures sitting on chairs arranged into a circle

"Velma, when did you first experience these feelings of low self-esteem?" a psychologist asks

"Uh, well, for a long time, I was part of a group. Where I didn't get the attention I deserved." Velma said

"Which group was it?" a man asks

"Mystery Inc..." Velma started until she was interrupted by one of the other women there 

"Wow, Fred Jones." the woman said

"And that giant dog." the man who asked Velma a question earlier added

"And remember Daphne? she was so hot!" added a rather fat man

"I don't remember a Thelma." The woman said.

Velma sighed, frowned and shook her head


"NASA." Fred said sounding rather surprised.

"What do you mean I can't have 7 carry-on bags? That is SO economy."  The two hear a very familiar voice say

The two look over and see none other that Daphne Blake.

"Crap...." Velma said

"Daph?" Fred said in unison with Velma

Daphne turns around and sees them and isn't very happy

"Oh no. I'm not talking to you guys." Daphne said as she pretended to zip her lip and she puts a suitcase on the counter and turn around

Fred and Velma look at each other and it only takes about 5 seconds for Daphne to turn back around

"What the heck are you doing here?!?!?" Daphne asks

"Isn't it obvious? We all recived the same letter from one Emile Mondavarious. The reclusive owner of Spooky Island." Velma answers

"No fair! I was going to solve the mystery to myself for the first time ever!" Daphne snaps

"How are you going to save yourself when you get caught?" Fred asks

"I'm a black-belt now. I've transformed my body into a dangerous weapon." Daphne answers

Velma and Fred snicker at what Daphne just said

"It's true" Daphne added


We see Daphne in karate training and she breaks a board with her hand.

"My opponent is my in-security..." Daphne said after breaking the board

(A/N: In this deleted scene, there were english subtitles for the characters that didn't speak english. For the dialogue, i'm putting in the english translation)

Daphne spins in the air breaking a second board. 

"My strength is my resolve." Daphne as she took a running start at the third and final board. She jumped and spun in the air breaking the third and final board. 

"Excellent, Daphne. Now summon your Chi. You are no longer helpless. Your body is a dangerous weapon" said Daphne's trainer as saw man came out from behind a tree flipping 

Daphne took a running start and started flipping except just as she was about to reach the man she was to use as a target, she goes higher in the air then she should have and gets stuck in a tree. Daphne's trainer and the man who prepped himself to be used as a target lookup and see her stuck in the tree by her arms and legs.

"Help..." Daphne said

"Dude, this chick is hopeless!" on of the other men whispered to the trainer in Japanese


"So, you know....just, watch it." Daphne says. 

Shaggy walks up to the three. 

"Far out, I guess we're all like, going to Spooky Island, man." He said as he walked up

"Hey, where's Scooby?" Velma asks not seeing the canine in question

Scooby himself had to disguise as an old lady just to be able to get onto the plane. They all notice this. Fred, of all people in the gang, appears to be fooled by the disguise

"The don't allow big dogs, on the the plane." Shaggy explains.

"You've got to be kidding...." Velma said trying to hold back a laugh

"No one is stupid enough to believe that!" Daphne says.

"Who's the ugly, old broad?" Fred asks Shaggy

"Say hello to grandma." They all hear Ruby say.

They look over and see all of Team RWBY standing there with backpacks and suitcases for their weapons.

"Flight 3774 to Spooky Island now boarding" says a voice that came over the speakers

"Listen, I wouldn't have agreed to come if I knew." Velma said

"Now wait! Think about it for just one minute. Mystery Inc. reunites, we'll be a team again, just like the old days. Now come on gang, let's do that thing where we put our  hands together, lift them up, and we go Woo-hoo-hoo!!" Shaggy said

"Only if Fred and Velma do it." Daphne says

Mystery Inc. look at each other for a second. Fred is the first to say something.

"People are watching, Shag." Fred said as he went to board the plane

Daphne and Velma look at Fred. Daphne takes her 7 bags with her and follows Fred. Shaggy looks at Velma hoping she;ll put her hand in. She shakes her head and walks off.

"Roo-hoo?" Scooby says

"Yeah, Scoob. Roo-hoo. Come on, buddy." Shaggy said as he walks off to board the plane.

Scooby follows Shaggy and Team RWBY all look at each other for a second before they go to board the plane as well.

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