Chapter 6: The plane ride

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On the plane ride, Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Blake, and Mystery Inc were doing separate things. Shaggy was making a sandwich, Fred was reading his book, Daphne was reading a cooking magazine, Ruby was in the seats behind Shaggy and Scooby with Yang, and by pure coincidence, Blake had a copy of Fred's book. She, like Fred, was reading the book. Shaggy finished making his sandwich .

"Now THAT is a beautiful work of art." Shaggy says looking at his sandwich. 

He goes to take a bite until he makes the face someone would make when they see something making that 'love at first sight' face. She was a woman who was the age to indicate she was still in college. She had blonde hair, brown eyes, a pink tank top style shirt with flower designs, blue jeans cut to the size of shorts, and walks up next to Shaggy and Scooby. Meanwhile, Scooby managed to steal Shaggy's sandwich. 

"Hey um, do you mind if I sit there next to uh

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"Hey um, do you mind if I sit there next to uh..." she said talking about Scooby.

"That's my grandma. No, I don't mind at all." Shaggy responds.

"Thanks." the girl said managing to get to the open window seat next to Scooby.

Just as she sits down, she sneezes.

"Like, bless you." Shaggy says 

"Sorry. It's my allergies. It's usually only dogs that do it." she says looking at him as Scooby lowers his bottom leg from scratching himself behind the ear.

""Maybe I better move." She starts

"No. It's probably just my grandma's perfume. Even I sometimes get a little allergic." Shaggy says a he fakes a sneeze.

"Cause i'm pretty sure grandma wants to go back and sit and visit her old pal Velma. Right, grandma?" Shaggy continues looking at Scooby

"Rokay." Scooby says getting up to go sit next to Fred and Velma.

Shaggy notices the girl that sat down next to him eating Scooby Snacks.

"Boy, oh boy. Those sure do look like Scooby Snacks." Shaggy says.

"I know they're for dogs. But they're 100 Vegetarian and I love them." the girl answers

"Like, me too." Shaggy replies

"Far out. I have never met another person who likes Scooby Snacks!" the girl replies.

"Like, only other friend of mine that is a human that I know likes them is my friend Ruby Rose. By the way, what's your name?" Shaggy replies

"I'm Mary Jane." Mary Jane says

"That is like, my favorite name." Shaggy replies

"Really?" She asks

"Yeah." Shaggy answers

Meanwhile, Scooby sits down next to Fred and Velma. He looks at them and says, "Rhello." 

His nose starts freaking out and he looks at a cat in one of the neighboring seats. The cat hisses at him and Scooby starts barking. Everyone looks out from their seats at Scooby.

"Uh....grandma?" Velma nervously asks.

"Velma, it's simple behavior modification. To make a dog discontinue any action, simply flick it on the nose. Observe." Fred said. "Scoob?" he added

Scooby turned to Fred. Fred takes this chance to flick Scooby right on the nose

"See?" Fred said. 

About 5 seconds later, Fred gets punched in the face and Scooby takes off after the cat losing his disguise.

"Sit grandma! Bad grandma! Don't eat the kitty!!" Shaggy yelled eventually getting a hold of Scooby y the collar

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