Chapter 7: Welcome to Spooky Island

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On Spooky Island, Mystery Inc. and Team RWBY were looking around.

"Wow, the place looks beautiful." Ruby said looking around at the scenery

"Scooby-Doo! and the rest of Mystery Inc.! Oh how marvelous it is to see you on my island during this time of need-Sorry, that's the third time this week!" they heard a voice from a puppet like metal thing say. 

A man in his roughly late 50s with black hair, a Spooky Island T shirt, a tropical jacket, blue jeans,  brown sandals, and grey eyes. This was Emile Mondavarious

"Sorry, it's just a new toy. Getting up to speed with it. Welcome! My name is Emile Mondavarious. The owner of his amusement park"  Mondavarious said

Daphne dropped her luggage and said, "Thank goodness. I was afraid I was going to have to carry those all the way up to the hotel." 

"But that's what Spooky Island's all about. Realizing your worst fears." Mondavarious explained

"So you're the one who brought us here." Velma said.

"Wrong. What brought you here is your sensational appetite for a juicy mystery." Mondavarious said

The two groups and Mondavarious start walking and head for the hotel. Yang picked up Daphne's luggage for her.

"The truth is, Mr. Mondavarious, Mystery Inc. has broken up." Daphne explained

"But that's the beauty of something broken. It can be fixed and there in lies it's potential. And I need you to fix Spooky Island." Mondavarious replied.

"What's the problem exactly?" Velma asks.

"I believe someone is casting a spell on the students. Now do you notice the difference between those arriving and those departing?" Mondavarious explains.

"They look like sober well-behaved college kids." Velma replies.

"Precisely. But they didn't before they came. In other words, a magic spell." Mondavarious replies

Meanwhile, Yang gave Daphne back her luggage

"I'm gonna solve this one first." Velma says.

"Not before I solve it first." Fred replied.

"You guys are going to look like total idiots when you're captured and i'm the one saving you." Daphne says as they all walk off.

Un-benounced to anyone at all, while walking by some trees going up to the hotel, something pulls Weiss, Blake, and Yang into the woods just as everyone else enters the hotel.

"Maybe we can celebrate later by having a little Spookapalooza." Mondavarious says

"R-Rp-Rpookapalooza?? Ruh-oh." Scooby says.

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