Chapter 13: Something messed up is going on

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The next morning, only Daphne, Shaggy, Scooby, and Mary Jane are on the beach asleep.Ruby is nowhere to be seen. Daphne wakes up after a beach ball bounces off of her

"Something messed up is happening." Daphne said

"Is the coast guard here?" Shaggy asks looking around noticing Ruby is gone

"Where's Ruby and what happened to the shattered windows and the busted walls?" he adds

"Yo red, the ball??" a random student asks.

Daphne tosses the ball to the student.

"Let's go." Daphne says.

They eventually meet back up with Ruby.

"Where did you go, Ruby??" Daphne asks

"I went to look for the others on my own and sort of got distracted." Ruby responds

"Anyone else think this is strange?" Shaggy asks looking around. 

"Okay, we need to...split up. We still need to find Fred, Velma, Weiss, Blake, and Yang." Daphne says

"I'll go this way." Mary Jane says walking off

"And we'll go with you." Shaggy says to Daphne

Daphne points in a different direction and Shaggy goes the way she was pointing. Scooby whimpers as him and Ruby do the same.  As Daphne walks by the stage where a band is performing, the singer looks at her and his eyes turn green and his voice distorts as Daphne walks off


Scooby is following a trail and finds Fred and Yang.

"RFred??" Scooby says

"Yang??" Ruby adds

"Fred, Yang." Shaggy said to get their attention. 

The two turn to the three

"What up dog? And," Fred says

"Keepin' it real." Scooby responds

"Like, what happened last night?" Shaggy asks

"Man, we got beats like it was the lizz-nizz on earth. Know what i'm sayin, G?" Yang says

"No...." Shaggy responds.

All of a sudden, some glass breaks making Saggy, Scooby, and Ruby turn around.

"You hear that?" Shaggy asked

A few of the people nearby jump on the table behind Fred and Yang as Fred took off the sunglasses he had on. The three then turn around and every person the three saw let out a roar exactly like the monsters and releasing that green gas breath. This sends the three screaming and running

"Get the dog and girl..." Fred says as him, Yang, and some of the other possessed students chase after the three


Daphne comes running out of a locker room and grabbed by Zarkos

"Ah ha, Damsel in Distress." Zarkos said

While Daphne was screaming for help, Zarkos pulled the Daemon Ritus out of Daphne's handbag.


Shaggy, Scooby, and Ruby run into a shed and shut the doors behind them and lean against the door. Yang bursts her arm through the window by Scooby and Fred bursts his arm through the window by Shaggy.

"Why are Fred and Yang in a bad mood??" Ruby asks

"They aren't in a bad mood, you two, they're monsters!!" Shaggy said as he slammed Possessed Fred's arm against the wood of the door

"Raggy, rikes!!" Scooby said talking about some four wheelers him and Ruby found.

"I know, yikes!" Shaggy replied thinking he meant to say yikes

"No, bikes!!" Ruby said yanking off a sheet from a few of Spooky Island Four wheelers

Shaggy smirks and walks over to them. Fred and Yang get that look on their faces that basically means, "uh-oh" as all the possessed people get away from the shack. Scooby, Shaggy, and Ruby c0ome bursting through the door on the four wheelers, 

"Yahoo!!!" Ruby cheered as her four wheeler soared through the air.

The three ride around Spooky Island until Mary Jane comes out of the woods and the three stop.

"I just saw my friend Beth-Anne. There's something wrong with her eyes." she said sounding a little exhausted

"Like, hop on!!" Shaggy said

Mary Jane hops on Shaggy's four wheeler as the three take off again

After a while, while driving, Shaggy sees a branch.

"Like, duck!" Shaggy screams.

Shaggy, Ruby, and Scooby duck except Mary Jane noticed the branch when it was too late getting thwacked in the face by the branch. Scooby looks  up and sees her mouth deformed and the eyes of one of those monsters instead of her usual eyes. She stretches her face a little and it pops back to normal. After a little bit, the three stop in front of the building where the Spookapalooza took place. Mary Jan and Shaggy are the first to get off of their four wheeler. Then Ruby gets off and Scooby gets off last.

"Yes!" Shaggy cheered

"That was great!" Mary Jane added

"Are you alright? You were great." Shaggy says

"You too." Mary Jane responded

Scooby then started barking at Mary Jane cause of what he saw during the ride to where they are right now.

"Scooby, what are you doing, man?" Shaggy asks taking off his helmet

"Raggy, Mary Jane is a man in a mask!" Scooby answers

"Mary Jane is a man in a mask?" Shaggy says with confusion. 

"Scooby..." Mary Jane said.

Scooby then started barking again

"What are you doing, man? Step off, Scoob!" Shaggy scolded

"Raggy, your'e whipped!!" Scooby snaps

"I'm whipped? Well why don't you say it to my face, man!" Shaggy snapped in response

The two start pretending to fist fight. However, once Scooby was right over a manhole cover, he fell in and Ruby rushed over trying to grab him but also fell in as well.

"Scooby! Ruby!!" Shaggy yelled into the manhole

Shaggy got up and turned to Mary Jane.

"Scooby and Ruby have just been eaten. I gotta save them. You stay here, i'll be right back." Shaggy say as he goes to jump in.

"No, Shaggy." Mary Jane says in a deeper voice then usual

Shaggy then turns to her

"I mean, it's too dangerous." Mary Jane adds

"I've got to They're like, my best pals." Shaggy said as he turned to the manhole.

"And friends don't quit!" Shaggy says as he swan dives into the hole screaming. 

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