Chapter 14: Shaggy finds The Underground Chamber

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As Shaggy slides down a tube, he falls out into an underground chamber and gets up.

"Ruby, Scooby-Doo, where are you??" He asks only for his voice to echo through the chamber.

He walks up to a corner and sees 5 things. The pincer, a vat, a chair with cuffs in four spots, Ruby unconscious and tied to a pole, and the Daemon Ritus. He thinks about it for a second and runs up to Ruby and unties her just as she wakes up.

"Like what happened to you and where's Scooby?" Shaggy asks

"I don't know but boy, does my head hurt." Ruby answers. 

The two walk over to the vat and see the huge amount of protoplasms in it.

"Like, what is this?" Shaggy asks

"I don't know." Ruby answers

The two hear Velma and Weiss' voice. They look into the vat and reach in. Shaggy pulls out Velma's protoplasm and Ruby pulls out Weiss' protoplasm.

"Thanks you two." Velma said.

"Like, no problem." Shaggy responds

"Weiss, what happened?" Ruby asks

"Last thing I remember was that pincer over there pulling out my protoplasm and dropping it in this vat." Weiss answered

"Now, let us go so we can return to our bodies. Then get out of here before they find you and steal your protoplasms, too." Velma said.

The two let go of the protoplasms of their friends and they zoom off to get back to their bodies


Velma and Weiss' protoplasms slam right into their respective bodies. The bodies start convulsing as the monsters come out. The two get up and Weiss pulls out Myrtenaster as  Velma just stares. The monsters start getting bright orange spot all over their bodies. They then block the sun from their eyes and explode. Weiss helps Velma up.

"You okay, Velm?" Weiss asks

Velma puts on her glasses and nods


Shaggy and Ruby then see Fred and Yang's protoplasms and pull them out. 

"Thank god you got here, Ruby." Yang said.

"I'm just glad that you yourself are okay in some form. How did this happen to you and Weiss?" Ruby says

"We got somewhat kidnapped before the mystery even actually started. As in almost immediately after we got to the island." Yang answered.

"Fred, you're a frigging protoplasmic head." The two hear Shaggy say

"I know. But i'm still the best looking protoplasmic head here I mean..." Fred starts before Shaggy lets him go and Ruby lets Yang go. 

The two protoplasms then take off


"How do you drive this thing?!?!?" Fred asks himself as him and Yang get closer to their bodies

"The Darkopolypse is upon o=us." Possessed Fred says

"Gather what you need for the ceremony." Possessed Yang adds

The two protoplasms try to get to their bodies but they enter different rooms and the protoplasms ricochet off the doors.


Ruby manages to grab Blake's protoplasm.

"Okay, you found me. Now when you and Shaggy leave, make sure to grab that thing over there." Blake says gesturing to the Daemon Ritus

"Okay." Ruby responds letting Blake's protoplasm go

"Put me back Shaggy, i'll figure a way out myself." Daphne says as Shaggy pulled out her protoplasm,

"Like, how?!?!?" Shaggy asks

"I don't know. I'll use my tongue as an oar and swim to the edge." Daphne answers

"I'm sorry." Shaggy says as Ruby smacks the bottom of the protoplasm sending it flying. 

Ruby grabs the Daemon Ritus as her and Shaggy go to leave the chamber


Much to their dismay, Daphne ends up in Fred's body and Blake ends up in Yang's.


Velma and Weiss see what they think are Daphne and Blake's protoplasms but are actually Fred and Yang's. The two enter the back of the castle with the rest of the possessed students to get Possessed Blake and Possessed Daphne's attention.

"Uh...yo yo, you yo." Velma says

This manages to get the attention of Possessed Blake and Possessed Daphne. When close enough, Weiss and Velma elbow them into the nearby room and get in just as the protoplasms come zooming in

"What the?" Possessed Daphne says just as the protoplasms slam right into her and Possessed Blake. 

The bodies start convulsing. The monsters come out of the bodies just as Weiss and Velma run over to the windows

"You could use a little sunlight." Velma says.

Velma and Weiss then yank the cords opening the blinds letting in sunlight. This makes the monsters freak out and try to stop getting red spots except they can't stop the sunlight from starting to kill them

"Uh oh." Says one of the monsters as they both blow up

"That's one part of the mystery solved." Weiss said

"The creatures need our bodies to survive in sunlight. SPF 1,000,000. But what are they doing here in the first place?" Velma asks.

Weiss and Blake look over at Daphne and Blake

"Blake, Daphne, you two okay?" Velma asks

"Yeah, but i'm not Daphne!" They hear Fred's voice out of Daphne's body

"And I'm not Blake!" They hear Yang's voice come out of Blake's body

"Fred and Yang???" Weiss and Velma say in unison.

"We couldn't get to our bodies." Yang said

"We didn't know where else to go, we panicked! It isn't easy to steer when you're pure spirit." Fred says

"Freed,don't even say what I think you're gonna say." Yang says ready to slap Fred who is in Daphne's body

Fred in Daphne's body looks at Yang in Blake's body as the four left the room. 

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