Chapter 9: Meeting at the castle

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A/N: Some scenes from the film will be missing or replaced cause I don't know how to do them with Team RWBY in them. That's why I skipped the part at Dead Mike's and the forest. I don't know how to do them with Ruby included

The following night, at the closed ride known as Spooky Island Castle, Shaggy, Ruby, Daphne, and Scooby are looking at it until Shaggy turns to Daphne

"No way." Shaggy said

"Shaggy..." Daphne scolds

"Scoob and me don't do castles!" Shaggy answers

"And why not?" Ruby asks

"Cause castles have paintings with eyes that watch you, and suits of armor you thinks a statue but there's a guy inside who follows you every time you turn around!" Shaggy responds

"How many times has that actually happened?" Daphne asks

"Twelve. We're not gonna do it!" Shaggy answers

"Rthat's right."Scooby adds

Ruby ten pulls out a Scooby Snack.

"Scooby?" Ruby asks

Scooby turns around whimpering and holds his aw as if it was hurt.

"Aw...did you hurt your paw?" Daphne asks

"Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?" Ruby asks holding the Scooby Snack

"Roh boy!! Reah reah reah reah reah!!"Scooby says excitedly at the mention of a Scooby Snack

"and you'll be fearless?" Daphne adds

"Fearless?" Scooby says getting up on his hind legs pretending to do karate and he ends up hitting Shaggy in the face.

"Ow! Hey, Hong Kong Phooey, watch the fists of fury, would you, buddy?" Shaggy asks jokingly.

"Here you go." Ruby said tossing the snack to Scooby. 

Shaggy tries to catch the snack but Scooby jumps and catches it eating it. 

"There's plenty more where that came from." Ruby says

"Now let's go before someone sees." Daphne said going up the stairs to the castle.

"Rokay." Scooby replies following Daphne and Ruby.

The three notice Shaggy isn't yet there with them. Daphne turns to Shaggy

"You're not going to stay out here alone, are you?" Daphne asks.

"No thank you." Shaggy said running to catch up with them.

In the castle, Daphne, Ruby, Shaggy, and Scooby enter through the door and look around.

"This place is like, uber creepy." Shaggy says

"Reah, ruber creepy." Scooby replied

"Only thing missing is a mindless zombie." Daphne said.

Next thing they all know, the door is shoved open making a really loud noise scaring them. Especially Shaggy who had jumped into Scooby's arms. Once they turn to see who it was, it was only Fred. Who seems to have been there for a little while.

"Fred, get back. I found this place, I call dibs on it's clues." Daphne said

"I already found some clues." Fred replied. 

"What?" Daphne replied.

"I followed some weird footprints up here. It might be dangerous for you." Fred replies

"You know DAMN well Fred that she can take care of herself." Ruby snaps

"Exactly. Besides, if anyone sneaks up on me, i'll open a can of 2,000 year old chinese whoop-ass on them." Daphne replies.

The statue behind Daphne puts it's hand on her shoulder making her spin and scream making Shaggy and Scooby scream. They all look over and see Velma come out from behind it chuckling.

"Velma!!" Shaggy and Ruby scold

"What are you doing here?" Fred asks

"This ride was closed due to dangerous construction. The most likely place to hatch an insidious plan. And I wanted to scare Daphne." Velma jokingly said

"Well, since we're all here, let's split up and search for more clues. Daphne, you and I.." Fred started

"Typical." Velma said.

"What?" Fred asked

"Oh, nothing. Just that I was always picked last for the teams." Velma answered

"Fine. Daphne, exit through the entrance. Velma and I will enter here through the exit there. Shaggy, Ruby, and Scooby.." Fred said looking at the three while Shaggy was messing with the statue's arm. 

"Do whatever you three do." Fred said as he gang went off in separate directions.

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