Wednesday, November 18, 2019 (Hunted Tower) *Part 3

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Again warning, do not read this if you are scared!! (-_-*+*+) 😑😤😅 *that's an angry face there!

Okay - Let's review what had happened...

Hmmm, let's see... (I'm going backward here! -_-)

Creepy clone lady with super pale face and bloody torn clothing - cannot be easily killed, holding a bomb (that THANKFULLY killed her) and was dead falling down behind a door which miraculously closed behind her.

But... here are the ungratefully disgusting sending cold shivers down my spine part of my nightmare.

And that part is where the clone goes down shrieking 'You shall not survive'.

Oh yes - that's the part. Though if any of you would have thought - oof that's nothing compared to mine. Well, I'll have you know that the scare isn't over.

No, it isn't.

Once we had gotten over our shocks, we quickly finished the levels. Hitting and aiming at the weapons that they hold. But in our case, we do the running down the flight of stairs till we meet a clone that walking up. That's when we grab an adult to save our behinds.

Putting our distance in the middle, with the male agent and the leader at back shooting bullets, while the other adults protect in front. Yes I know right? Smart.

Now as we were coming down towards our last and final level (level 2) we were soon to be stopped by a clone.

Different from the clones which we met from was coming down the stairs. Not at all like those, hissing, climbing no face slender- man looking model looking clones.

No, this one was nothing like it.

A male, middle high height, with a scar running down from his lower right eye across his nose and down towards the corner of his left mouth. And another running from the top of his upper left eye and again, across his nose down to his neck.

With pale features like the female clone, huge round bloody eyes, and a pistol in hand. Aiming directly towards us, no wait - correction check - aiming directly at the kid.

Normally I would have pleasantly step aside, getting as far away from the victim as possible. But sadly I was glued shut on my spot.

Screaming and scrambling I swear at the clone with all my might. (Why? Cause that's what I do when I'm panicking).

Laughing he edged forward. Oh, why in the world did the adults think after level 2 we're safe? Why didn't they have thought that at level 2 there's gonna be another clone? Do they think we kids can defend ourselves?!

Naturally, the girl sprang down. Leaping at the clone with a dagger in hand. This action shocked both me and Scarface. Screaming I didn't stay there for anymore witnessing, for suddenly my legs start moving again. Soon after, I found myself behind an adult shivering from head to toe.

Pushing and pulling, I managed to grab all four adults down the stairs. We were prepared for the fight and protection of the safe house.

But we weren't prepared for the deaths.

Oh, the terror. For about a full 10 minutes (I know because I have a watch with me) we stood there stupefied as we watched the horrid of work of death.

Yes as I had mentioned before. The about 9 and a half-year-old girl, dead, laying eyes closed (Thank the gods) right in front of the male clone, with 3 bullet shots right in the chest. Laying above, was the male clone Scarface (I had recently decided to name him that - and if you have any objections well... Too bad) half-dead with the most satisfying smudge smile any messed up face clone could put on. I mean seriously! What's the point in killing someone, then being proud of the deed you have done if you're gonna die afterward? What's the point now?

Cries were heard all around me, some with sorrow, while others with furry. But they were all for the same cause, the death of the girl.

Immediately, the male agent leaped forward and having to stab the clone hard in the chest a million times. Soon he was standing in front of a bunch of ripped flesh and clothing.

Already in horror of the assassin of the girl and the danger of vomiting, the guy really wasn't of any help in the situation we are now in.

Nevertheless, I gained enough courage in pushing an Amazon warrior on calling 'Safe' at the first floor.

If you are confused - let me explain.

The 100 floors are actually just 99, with being the last floor number 1 a safe house, but you can only activate the safety once a member gets there and calls 'Safe'.

Now let's get back to reality. Millions of zombie clones chasing us behind, falling downstairs or throwing weapons.

LITERALLY NOT JOKING THROWING WEAPONS. I mean - don't they know how to use guns?

Leaping down to the 'Safe' I let out this awkward laugh, a laugh so creepy one that does hear it can say it's a mix between a sigh, a cough, a laugh and something else, echoes throughout the tower.

Sighing I investigated the Safe that supported us in a safe place. (Ha-ha.)

It seems to be similar to an attic. Dusty, somewhat spider webs, and don't even ask about the creepy dim light. Not that much room in spacing probably can fit a van while squeezing a mini car 2 go, adding a motorcycle than a few bicycles. And voila – there's your charming safe house.

Turning in a full 360 degree, my eyes finally landed on the dead girl. (Oh maybe I should start giving her a name...) As peaceful and happy she looks, (And why do not ask) the air that surrounded her was full of mournful gloom.

The male agent, coming down carrying the girl in his arms, was being watched by the female warriors, as the zombie monster clones smacking the magical protector outline that separates them – and us.

Cannot withstand the grief any longer, I followed at once as the agent gently lays the girl down into the protecting hands of the warriors to get the engine of the car ready.

But as such an idiotic brainless fool as I was, I forgot that the car was outside the protection of the 'Safe'. And without even reaching the door of the van, monsters began to attack, vampires swooping down showing their bloody fangs (oh why does this always happen? When I have to show up whenever the action started?) Zombies and zombie clones holding daggers or guns slowly edging forward. (Hmm on second thought – this isn't really the action; I mean the girl died before me)

Screaming I run as fast as I can, but that wasn't really fast.

Instead of running forward, I came to be doing something like Mario – jumping super high, but when coming back down, super slow and only edge forward an inch on every jump.

This gives an advantage to the monsters, for they as well seem to be running super slow, but with my extra jumpy slowness, they can walk as slow as a snail, but still can reach me.

Crying for help, but no one bothered to help, for everyone was engaged in saving their own kids than helping.

Onto the fields past the parking lot, I felt a hand grabbing the hood of my hoodie, choking me. I looked up to find a hooded black figure, just like Death in paintings, except this one was another zombie clone I'm sure of it.

Shrieking as the figure removed a large long knife from his belt, raising it, I can just catch a glimpse of his freaky smile.

Then I opened my eyes.

Morning has come, and the clock was only showing at 7:00 A.M.

The only thought I had was, what a close call. The memory of the female clone saying 'you shall not survive' was still ringing in my head, as well as the furious shrieking from the black figure. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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