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Order sits in the Throne room of the castle that lies upon Planet Chaos. She looks down at the baby that is so very carefully wrapped in his blanket. The swirling stars and planets rotated on the enchanted piece of cloth and the baby's fist firmly grasped it. He is a strong child. He his her son, her pride and joy. She would do anything to protect him. As Order embraces her son, Chaos walks in. He asks how he, the son is doing. With Order's response, Chaos calls one of the guards to bring the child to his chamber. Chaos sits down upon his throne, that looked like the galaxies and planets that their son would stare at for hours on end. Order was the first to speak up.

"What should we name him Chaos?"

" How about Eklektos? "

" The chosen one. Eklektos. The chosen one"


Eklektos was only a child the day he witnessed war. The guards, upon Chaos' order, ushered Eklektos into the cellar. He wouldn't let anything happen to him. Ever. When Eklektos was only two, he nearly destroyed planet #342, so to prevent Eklektos from harming himself, Chaos created a locket. This locket stored his most dangerous powers, that he is not able to control. When the time was right, Chaos would give the locket to his son, but until then, he kept it in the vault at the very deepest part of  the castle. As the millions of End's soldiers rushed in, Chaos sent his men to meet them on the battle field. Order and Chaos were confused about why End himself wasn't leading the opposing army. They ran to go find there son. To get to the cellar, they had to pass the vault. The two rulers of Planet Chaos stopped in their tracks. A tear ran down Order's face. The vaults door had been blasted open, and the soldier guarding the room, was dead on the floor. Chaos told his wife to wait there, while he went to see what happened. Chaos ran to the, titanium box that held the locket. The door was open, but the locket was no where to be found. Chaos look down at his neck and saw what he had made in case something like this happened. It was another locket, similar to the locket that was missing, except this one was able to retrieve the powers if they were released from the one that was stolen. He ran to find his wife panicing. She was probably thinking the same thing as Chaos. If anything happens to their baby, they will never forgive themselves. The made their way to the cellar, only to find another dead guard, slumped on the ground. Inside the room, a terrified Eklektos backed against a wall cried out in fear, for he just witnessed the man in front of him kill his favorite guard. Eklektos didn't recognize the man in front of him, though he felt like he should. The strange man was holding up a locket of some sort and he didn't know what it was so important. Suddenly, his parents burst through the doors, and the man opened the locket.

"Oops.." He sarcastically muttered. Eklektos then heard his mother and father scream.


Eklektos woke up in the castle infirmary and didn't understand why he was there. One minute there was a strange man, next he was here. The Son looked to his left and saw his father, Chaos looking over someone that he couldn't make out, because he was still light headed. Once the dizziness died down, Eklektos made some grunting coughing noise and his father looked up and ran over to his son. Chaos hugged him so tight, and didn't mind the tears that dripped off his face. Once he let go, Eklektos got up and looked over to the person in the bed next to him. It was his mother. He got out of the bed and leaned over his mother. He gently pushed her shoulder and called her name. He turned to Chaos.

The Son of Chaos: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now