Chapter One

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Percy's P.O.V.

   The alarm clock ringed until I turned over and slammed my hand on the button, causing the annoying sound to cease. I'll just sleep in today. I lay my head back down on the pillow and shut my eyes. I fall back into sleep. After what seemed like no time at all, I begin to heard someone calling my name, and knocking on my bedroom door door. 'It's Saturday. Can't just sleep in for today?' But, instead of saying that, I get out of my bed, and open the door.
    "Hi mom."
    "Percy! It's six o'clock! Your going to be late to school!" I give my mom a quizzical look.
    " But mom, it's Saturday. " I replied, trying to persuade her to let me sleep in.
    "No, it's Thursday! It's your last day of school for Pete's sake! You can't be late today. " My eyes widen, and a quickly change out of my Nemo pajamas, don't judge, and put on something a little more, presentable. I grab a pair of deep blue jeans, and a gray shirt. I like to wear gray, because it reminds me of my Wise Girl. Her calculating, stormy get eyes, are the most amaZHANG, that I have ever seen. I grab my backpack from the corner of the room, and dash out, into the living room.
    " Hi mom! Bye mom! " I race out the door, and start making my way to school. I mentally groan at the though of having to go to school! I wish that it was already over, because I'm going to take my Annabeth on a date afterward. We are going to be staying at my mom's apartment this weekend, and then go to camp on Monday! Now, you may be thinking, 'Percy, how were you able to come up with such an amazing, though out plan?' And the answer would be... I didn't actually come up with the plan. It was all Annabeth! That my friends, is why she is Wise Girl, and I am Seaweed Brain.
   I sigh. My first class was math. Or, better known as, Mental Abuse To Humans. I sit down and begin to work on my make-up work. I look to my left, out the window, to the tree. I couldn't help but admire the colors of the flowers that blossomed off the branches. Stupid ADHD! You need to focus Percy! If you don't finish your work, you will have to stay after school, which would make you miss your date with Annabeth! There is only one other student in this class. Why am I here, in a class with one student, not including me? Since the Second Giant War took up, a long time, I missed a lot of school. So, I have been going to make up my work, even after everyone else was out for the summer. The rest of the school day goes like this. Me and one of no students in a class. I finally get to my last period. Gym. All the students that were making up work, we're all given this gym period because, come on, your not going to have one kid in a gym class!
   "Okay class. Today you can do whatever you want. Just don't annoy me." A moment passes. " That includes you Jackson "
   I don't know what I ever did to the guy! I've never even met him before. He is a sub, like everyone else that were in the class. The teachers had this day off.
   " What should we call you? " a another student asked. The teacher pondered for a second and then said,
   " Call me, Mr.C "

* Half An Hour Later *

   Mr.C told the class that he had to report to the main office. He said not the leave, and that he would be right back. He looked genuinely concerned for our safety. Specifically me. When he told us this, he looked me straight in the eyes. What I saw shocked me. His eyes were pitch black and appeared to have stars swirling in them. I just shrugged it off. J.K. How can you just shrug something like that off. He had to be a monster of some sort. Or a god, or a titan. I was kinda relieved when he finally left. But, that didn't last for long. Before he left, he told us not to continue our game of dodgeball until he got back. I, being to respectful person I am, put my ball down, and sat on the benches. The other students had a different idea. They all swirled around to face me. Before I could react, they all chucked their dodgeballs at me! I bent over. One slammed me in the stomach, and another in the face. I looked down, and noticed that I had a bloody nose. This brought back memories that I preferred not to think about. About losing Leo, and about all the casualties. I tried not to cry, thinking about this, but I couldn't help it.
   I ran out of the school, and to my home. At least seeing Annabeth later will cheer me up.
   " Percy, what's wrong? " I heard my mom ask.
   " I don't really want to talk about it. "
   " I'm coming in. " I sighed. It's not like I could stop her. She is mom after all.
   " If you don't want to talk about it right now, you don't have to. But, come out of your room soon. I made cookies, and it would be unfortunate if Paul ate them all, before you could have one. " That caused me to perk up. I dashed into the kitchen passing my mom. She just laughed and pointed to the table. Sitting there was a tray of warm, blue cookies.
   After having some, my mom told me to get ready for my date. I looked at the time. Five thirty. Oh my gods! She will be here in half an hour! I need to hurry! As I'm getting dressed, I think back to gym class. It felt strange. Not that the fact that people in my school mercilessly beat me up. Not really, you know what I mean. But, I don't think they did it! What confused me was their eyes! They were gold.

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