Chapter Four

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"Ugh." My vision started to clear up. I looked around and saw that I'm cuffed to the wall.

I try to shake out of the cuffs, but if anything, it only made it tighter.

Eventually, I gave up on trying.

"Hey! This is no way to treat a guest!" No one responds. Rude.

I go to brush some hair out of my eyes so I can see clearer.

As I pull my hand up, I touch a hood. I try to push it off, but it seems like it is magical.

I really don't understand why I have to wear this. I mean, I'm no Aphrodite camper, but it's kinda ugly.

Tears start to form in my eyes as I think about camp. Why would they say those hurtful things.

I thought Annabeth cared for me. I guess not.

I look down at the gray floor. Stupid gray floor. Stupid gray walls. Stupid guy in a gray clock. Wait-

"Hey! You! Will someone please tell we what is going on!"

The power radiated off of this man. Ugh. It was End. Isn't he the one who brought me here?

"Why did you take me here? Why am I wearing this STUPID hood? Are you just going to stand there looking like an idiot. Oh wait, you are an idiot!

Probably not the smartest thing to do, but hey. It's what I do best.

Percy Jackson. Annoying detites since 1993.

"You are truly idiotic, spawn of the stars." What does that even mean.

"Why am I here?"

"Now, why would I tell you that?" I send him my best glare, but he doesn't seem affected by it.

Okay, time for Plan B. Only, I don't have a Plan B.

"So, what's with the hood?" I asked with extra blue food coloring on the top.

If I want him to answer my questions, I gotta at least try to be polite.

"Well, since you asked so politely-"


"I can't let anyone see those eyes of yours. After leaving Earth, they changed to their true color. I'm sure that Chaos has spys among my ranks. And, I can't have my brother knowing of your location." He answers, as if that helped clear anything up.

But, why would my eyes give anything away? Does that mean that my eyes are not really sea green?

End pulls something out of what seems like thin air. My eyes open wide at it.

No. I can't be tortured. Not again.

End pulls the whip back, and lashes foward.

A scream escapes my mouth as the agonizing pain continues.

*Time Skip*

3rd P.O.V.

Luke, Zoë, and the rest of the commanders all are gathered, getting ready for their mission.

Luke turns to Zoë.

"Should we tells them the real reason we are going on this mission?"

"Does thou think it is a good idea?" Zoë responds, not really answering the question.

"Oh my gods. I have to teach you how to speak regular English sometime soon. But regardless, I think it is a good idea. Let's do it before we leave."

The Son of Chaos: A Percy Jackson FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now