Chapter Six

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Luke's P.O.V.

I close the heavy, metal vault door as I step outside of the room.

My shoes make a clicking noise as I walk down the wooden tile floors.

All of a sudden, I hear a the sound of glass smashing.

It's coming from the room that Chaos entered before.

Oh, gods. What if something bad happened?

I run down the hallway towards the noise. As I'm running, I see Bianca, Zoë, Silena, and Beckendorf coming as well.

"What was that?" Bianca asked. I simply shrugged.

"Who know want could have happened."Silena whispered quietly, but still loud enough for us to hear her.

"We should hurry. Come on." I begin to run faster than the rest of the group.

One of my skills that were enhanced by Chaos was my speed. Being a son of Hermes, I was already fast, but Chaos' blessing added to my ability to run faster.

The door came into view, and I wasted no time on mannerisms as I pushed open the door.

"What happened!" I yelled. Chaos stood in front of me, but if he heard me, he definitely didn't show it.

Seeing that there was no immediate danger, I waited for the rest of the team to show up.

Bianca, Silena, Charlie, and Zoë came to the door.

The floor is covered in shattered glass. That must have been what the sound was; of glass shattering.

Chaos stands, his eyes transfixed on the person in the bed. This only confirms me suspicions.

It has to be his son. Why else would he act like this?

The team and I slowly left the room, assuming that Chaos needed a moment to collect himself.

I am so confused, and by the looks of it, so is the rest of the team.

I guess we'll just wait for Chaos, and sees what happens next.

* Time Skip *
Percy's P.O.V.


The only word that can be used to describe the feeling inside of me.

Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. Uuuuugh.

I feel like I was being stabbed multiple times, and then passing out of blood loss.

Oh wait. I was.

I open my eyes to see Chaos standing over me with tears in his eyes.

"I did nothing!" I defended.

Chaos only laughed to himself and proceeded to give me a hug worthy of Tyson.

Why is the creator of the universe giving me a hug? This day just took a turn to crazy town.

"Thank the gods you are okay! I was worried I would loss you again." I looked at him giving my signature what-the-bleep-are-you-taking-about look.

He gives an intake of breath and then his face lights up, as if he remembered something.

"That's right! I forget sometimes that I took away your memories."

"Wait. You took away my memories?"

"Yes. I was for your own protection."

"What are you talking about. My protection? Loss you again?"

"It would be better if I just showed you." Chaos leaned foward and placed his hand on my forehead, and you'll never guess what happened next.

I blacked out! What a shocker! I totally didn't see that one coming!

You have been blessed by the king of sarcasm and sass. Your welcome.

Memories flooded into my head and scenes of my life flashed before me.

Oh my gods. I'm no son of Poseidon.

* Time Skip*
Luke's P.O.V.

I wait for Chaos to come out of the room with my girlfriend, Zoë next to me.

The others already went back to the training grounds to practice.

It's been a while since Chaos has come out of the room.

Should we go in? Whag if something bad happens?

Calm down, Luke. Stop being paranoid.

"Maybe we should go in?" I turn to face Zoë and she shrugs in response.

"Thou is worrying to much. We need to simply wait it out." Zoë said without taking her gaze away from the door.

Suddenly, Chaos came through the door, and gently shut the door behind him, as if he slammed it, something fragile would break.

"What happened?" I asked. He turned to face us.

"You will find out in due time. For now, I think it is best if you two go back to training with the others." Chaos replies and continues to walk away for the room.

I look over my shoulder to see that Chaos is no longer within hearing or seeing distance.

"Do you think we should- you know-" I trail off trying to find the right words.

"I would be lying if I said that I wasn't curious."

"So, what do you say? Should we check it out?" Zoë looks behind her and a smile creeps onto her face.

"Let's do it!" I put a finger up to my lips to indicate silence.

"Oh. Sorry." Zoë whispers in response.

We walk towards the door of the room. My hand caresses the smooth, silver doorknob.

As I'm about to click open the door, I here footsteps behind us.

"What are you guys doing?!" Beckendorf whisper-yells.


"Come on. Before you get yourself into more trouble." I follow behind Beckendorf, holding Zoë's hand.

But, I can't help that nagging feeling inside of me.

What is beyond the door?

*Time Skip*
Percy's P.O.V.

I still can't believe it. All my life has been a lie. My mother. My father. It wasn't Sally Jackson and Posiedon. It was Order and Chaos. The creators of the universe.

Wait. I can't seem to remember much about my mom. Maybe Chaos, I mean father, would tell me about her later, or something like that.

But how does this make any sense. I have water powers, and I look like Posiedon.

Chaos better have some answers.

*Time Skip*
Chaos' P.O.V.

I sit in my throne room, contemplating my choice. Should I have taken the memory of his mother away from him.

Yes. I did it for him.

I don't know how he would react to the fact that, even though it was an accident, he technically killed her.

I can't bare to loss him. He deserves a happy life, especially considering all that he has already went through.

But still. I can't get the thought out of my head.

Did I make the right choice?


Thank you all so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!

Sorry for the long wait.

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