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fashion killas🌪🖤

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i sat backstage with lathan, neek, suave, joshua, royce, and china. lathan was lying down on the floor with a blank expression on his face he looked zoned out while the others were having fun he looked like he wasn't.

suave walked over to lathan and kicked him gently. "what's up with you nigga" lathan rolled his eyes at suave "nun leave me alone" he sighs. suave looked at me and mouthed 'come deal with him' so i got up and walked over to him. i sat down on top of him catching his attention, he stared at me and a smile appeared on his face.

"you good nigga?" i smiled back at him and laugh. "yeah i'm good now" lathan places a kiss on my lips. "you sure"
"yes baby girl i'm good" lathan never liked to tell me about his moods he always thought that it would put stress on me and shit like that but it didn't i just wanted to help him feel better.

"you good now bro?" royce asks as everyone gathers around us. "yes" i get off him and he gets up right after me "you ready to get out there?" his manger asked. "yes y'all asking bare question" he rolls his eyes "ok nigga we just making sure you good" i raise my eyebrow at him "and i am" he says to everyone in the room.

lathan pushes past everyone and makes his way to stage, i stop him before he walks out. "babe i gotta go out there" he says grabbing the microphone from his manger. "i'll talk to you after ok?" lathan kisses me on the cheek. "ok" i reply.

i watched as he walked out onto the stage everyone started cheering for him. he looked happy he put on a smile and acted fine it's not like he had a choice. i knew he wasn't and it was bugging me a lot that he wouldn't tell me.

later we were all out for dinner and lathan was still acting distant to everyone, he sat there with his arms crossed. he would usually be acting silly as hell and joking and shit but he wasn't he was just zoned out.

i tapped him on his shoulder and he turned to me. "you said that we would talk, so tell me what's wrong cause your acting distant" i frown at him. "do we have to talk about it right now" he rolls his eyes "yes cause you been holding shit in" i stood up and grabbed onto his hand bringing him outside the restaurant.

"so tell me what's up it's just us" i look up at him watching as he runs his hands through his curly hair. "it's you" he says to me "what, what did i do?" i questioned him shocked at what he just said

"i mean, i ain't never felt this way about nobody before, i never loved nobody like i love you, and i don't wanna lose you, i been in my feels thinking about that i don't wanna mess up and lose you and i don't want you leaving me"

lathan explains to me. "you're not going to lose me and i'm not gonna leave you, i'm always going be yours, remember that shit" he pulls me in by my waist and kisses me. he pulls away from kiss "ai let's get back
inside" i say walking back inside and he follows behind me.

i been on a roll with this book but it's not going no where thank you to my loyal readers though😌

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